Jackson 5
Love I Saw In You Was Just A Mraige

There you were beautiful

The promise of love was written on your face

You led me on with untrue kisses

You had me captured in your false embrace

Quicker than I can bat an eye

Since you were telling me goodbye

Oh, just a minute ago your love was here

All of a sudden it seemed to disappear

Sweetness was only heartaches camouflage

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

You promised that happiness we forever share

But all I have are memories of love that was never there

We used to meet in romantic places

You gave me the illusion that your love was real

Now all that's left are lipstick traces

From the kisses you only pretended to feel

And now our meetings, you avoid

And so my world, you have destroyed

Oh, just a minute ago your love was here

All of a sudden it seem to disappear

The way you wrecked my life was like sabotage

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

You brought me up just to throw me down

You left me and my dreams shattered all on the ground

Oh, oh, oh you only fill me with despair

By showing love that wasn't there

Oh, just like the desert shows a thirsty man

Green oasis where there's only sand

You lured me into something I should have dodged

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

To you I gave true love from deep within

You made me hungry for your love, but it was no deeper than your skin

Just like the desert shows a thirsty man

Green oasis where there's only sand

You lured me into, into something I should have dodged

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

Just like the desert shows a thirsty man

Green oasis where there's only sand

You lured me into something I should have dodged

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

Just like the desert shows a thirsty man

Green oasis

Mirror lyrics:

Green oasis

Just like the desert shows a thirsty man

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

You lured me into something I should have dodged

Green oasis where there's only sand

Just like the desert shows a thirsty man

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

You lured me into, into something I should have dodged

Green oasis where there's only sand

Just like the desert shows a thirsty man

You made me hungry for your love, but it was no deeper than your skin

To you I gave true love from deep within

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

You lured me into something I should have dodged

Green oasis where there's only sand

Oh, just like the desert shows a thirsty man

By showing love that wasn't there

Oh, oh, oh you only fill me with despair

You left me and my dreams shattered all on the ground

You brought me up just to throw me down

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

The way you wrecked my life was like sabotage

All of a sudden it seem to disappear

Oh, just a minute ago your love was here

And so my world, you have destroyed

And now our meetings, you avoid

From the kisses you only pretended to feel

Now all that's left are lipstick traces

You gave me the illusion that your love was real

We used to meet in romantic places

But all I have are memories of love that was never there

You promised that happiness we forever share

The love I saw in you was just a mirage

Sweetness was only heartaches camouflage

All of a sudden it seemed to disappear

Oh, just a minute ago your love was here

Since you were telling me goodbye

Quicker than I can bat an eye

You had me captured in your false embrace

You led me on with untrue kisses

The promise of love was written on your face

There you were beautiful

Relevant Tags:
LLove II SSaw IIn YYou WWas JJust AA MMraige ove aw n ou as ust raige oLve I aSw nI oYu aWs uJst A rMaige kove j zaw jn gou aas kust z jraige kLove jI zSaw jIn gYou aWas kJust zA jMraige
Lkove Ij Szaw Ijn Ygou Waas Jkust Az Mjraige oove 9 waw 9n hou 3as iust q kraige oLove 9I wSaw 9In hYou 3Was iJust qA kMraige Loove I9 Swaw I9n Yhou W3as Jiust Aq Mkraige pove l daw ln 6ou das must s nraige
pLove lI dSaw lIn 6You dWas mJust sA nMraige Lpove Il Sdaw Iln Y6ou Wdas Jmust As Mnraige o eaw on uou eas nust w Mrraige Lve oI eSaw oIn uYou eWas nJust wA Maige Lvoe Io Seaw Ion Yuou Weas Jnust Aw Marige
Lkve k xaw kn 7ou sas hust x Mdaige kI xSaw kIn 7You sWas hJust xA Mdraige Lokve Ik Sxaw Ikn Y7ou Wsas Jhust Ax Mrdaige L9ve 8 aaw 8n jou 2as uust M4aige L9ove 8I aSaw 8In jYou 2Was uJust M4raige
Lo9ve I8 Saaw I8n Yjou W2as Juust Mr4aige L0ve u un tou qas Mgaige L0ove uI Sw uIn tYou qWas Jst Mgraige Lo0ve Iu Swa Iun Ytou Wqas Jsut Mrgaige Llve Szw Inn Yoou Jhst Mtaige
Llove I Yu Ws Mtraige Lolve Sazw In Yuo Wsa Juhst Mrtaige Live Sqw Im Yku Wzs J7st M5aige Liove Sqaw Imn Ykou Wzas J7ust M5raige Loive Saqw Inm Yoku Wazs Ju7st Mr5aige
Lovve Ssw Ih Y9u Wqs Jkst Mfaige Loe Ssaw Ihn Y9ou Mfraige Loev Sasw Inh Yo9u Waqs Jukst Mrfaige Lobe Sww Ij Y0u Wss Jist Meaige Lobve Y0ou Meraige
Lovbe Saww Inj Yo0u Wass Juist Mreaige Loce Sxw Ib Ylu Wws J8st Mraaige Locve Ibn Ylou Wwas J8ust Mrige Lovce Saxw Inb Yolu Waws Ju8st Mriage Loge Yiu Wxs Jjst Mrzige
Logve Sa Yiou Wxas Jjust Mrzaige Lovge Saw Yoiu Waxs Jujst Mrazige Lofe Saa Youu Jyst Mrqige Lofve Yo Wa Jyust Mrqaige Lovfe Sawa You Was Juyst Mraqige
Lovee Sa3 Yoh Waz Jusst Mrsige Lov Sa3w Yohu Jut Mrsaige Love Saw3 Youh Wasz Juts Mrasige Lovs Sad Yo7 Waw Juzt Mrwige Lovse Sadw Yo7u Juzst Mrwaige
Loves Sawd You7 Wasw Juszt Mrawige Lov3 Sae Yok Wad Juwt Mrxige Lov3e Saew Wads Juwst Mrxaige Love3 Sawe Youk Wasd Juswt Mraxige Lovf Sas Yoi Wae Judt Mraiige
Waes Judst Mrage Lovef Saws Youi Wase Jusdt Mragie Lovr Sa2 Yo8 Wax Juet Mrajge Lovre Sa2w Yo8u Juest Mrajige Lover Saw2 You8 Wasx Juset Mraijge
Lov4 Saq Yoj Waa Juxt Mra9ge

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