Jackson 5
Ooh, I'd Love To Be With You

Ooh, I'd love to be with you

Old man sun
He don't have to come
I'll keep warm with your smile

And when my troubles get bad
I should be sad
I'm happy all the while

(I forget the world outside)
Having your love, enjoying life
(Just me and you)
What a lovely way to spend my time

Ooh, I'd love to be with you

(You turn my work into play)
(It's just one big holiday)
Baby, having so much fun, ooh
(There's nothing we'll leave undone)
(Just me and you)
What a lovely way to spend my time

Ooh, I'd love to be with you

(You're Heaven on Earth for me)
Oh, no other address could there be
(There's no other place for me)
Than with you (You baby)
My whole life through

You're my inspiration (Yes, you are my love)
(What a sensation) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, I'd love to be with you (Oh, what a feelin')
Ooh, I'd love to be with you (Yeah, yeah)

Mirror lyrics:

Ooh, I'd love to be with you (Yeah, yeah)
Ooh, I'd love to be with you (Oh, what a feelin')
(What a sensation) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
You're my inspiration (Yes, you are my love)

My whole life through
Than with you (You baby)
(There's no other place for me)
Oh, no other address could there be
(You're Heaven on Earth for me)

Ooh, I'd love to be with you

What a lovely way to spend my time
(Just me and you)
(There's nothing we'll leave undone)
Baby, having so much fun, ooh
(It's just one big holiday)
(You turn my work into play)

Ooh, I'd love to be with you

What a lovely way to spend my time
(Just me and you)
Having your love, enjoying life
(I forget the world outside)

I'm happy all the while
I should be sad
And when my troubles get bad

I'll keep warm with your smile
He don't have to come
Old man sun

Ooh, I'd love to be with you

Relevant Tags:
OOoh, II'd LLove TTo BBe WWith YYou oh, 'd ove o e ith ou oOh, 'Id oLve oT eB iWth oYu koh, j'd kove fo ve aith gou kOoh, jI'd kLove fTo vBe aWith gYou
Okoh, Ij'd Lkove Tfo Bve Waith Ygou 9oh, 9'd oove 5o ge 3ith hou 9Ooh, 9I'd oLove 5To gBe 3With hYou O9oh, I9'd Loove T5o Bge W3ith Yhou 0oh, l'd pove ho ne dith 6ou
0Ooh, lI'd pLove hTo nBe dWith 6You O0oh, Il'd Lpove Tho Bne Wdith Y6ou loh, o'd yo he eith uou lOoh, oI'd Lve yTo hBe eWith uYou Oloh, Io'd Lvoe Tyo Bhe Weith Yuou
ioh, k'd Lkve 6o Bee sith 7ou iOoh, kI'd 6To B sWith 7You Oioh, Ik'd Lokve T6o Be Wsith Y7ou Oooh, 8'd L9ve go Bs 2ith jou Oh, 8I'd L9ove gTo Bse 2With jYou
Oho, I8'd Lo9ve Tgo Bes W2ith Yjou Okh, u'd L0ve ro B3 qith tou uI'd L0ove rTo B3e qWith tYou Ookh, Iu'd Lo0ve Tro Be3 Wqith Ytou O9h, I''d Llve Too Bf Wiith Yoou
Id Llove T Bfe Wth Yu Oo9h, Id' Lolve To Bef Wtih Yuo O0h, I'dd Live Tk Br Wjth Yku I' Liove Tko Bre Wjith Ykou Oo0h, I'd Loive Tok Ber Wijth Yoku
Olh, I'x Lovve T9 B4 W9th Y9u I'xd Loe T9o B4e W9ith Y9ou Oolh, I'dx Loev To9 Be4 Wi9th Yo9u Oih, I'e Lobe T0 Bd Wlth Y0u I'ed Lobve T0o Bde Wlith Y0ou
Ooih, I'de Lovbe To0 Bed Wilth Yo0u Oohh, I'f Loce Tl Bw Woth Ylu Oo, I'fd Locve Tlo Bwe Woith Ylou Oo,h I'df Lovce Tol Bew Wioth Yolu Ooj, I'r Loge Ti Wkth Yiu
Oojh, I'rd Logve Tio Wkith Yiou Oohj, I'dr Lovge Toi Wikth Yoiu Oou, I'c Lofe W8th Youu Oouh, I'cd Lofve W8ith Yo Oohu, I'dc Lovfe Wi8th You

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