Iron And Wine
Fistful Of Roses

A fistful of roses ain't the best thing I could do
I called by the clothesline, and the fish pond Called out for you
You want an urgent, bent-guitar string kind of man
And you built a bridge now for to find him, if you can

And Betsy, I see you now that you're gone
Gone where I hate you, tell me I'm wrong
Wrong that I sent you over that bridge
And far from me now, although I don't know how

Betsy, I miss you, can't you see that I'm in pain
Might you, if I promise, if I behave, come again
Would you, if you came back, be beside me by the stairs
We're so far past the bridge now, though Faded, I see you standing there

Mirror lyrics:

We're so far past the bridge now, though Faded, I see you standing there
Would you, if you came back, be beside me by the stairs
Might you, if I promise, if I behave, come again
Betsy, I miss you, can't you see that I'm in pain

And far from me now, although I don't know how
Wrong that I sent you over that bridge
Gone where I hate you, tell me I'm wrong
And Betsy, I see you now that you're gone

And you built a bridge now for to find him, if you can
You want an urgent, bent-guitar string kind of man
I called by the clothesline, and the fish pond Called out for you
A fistful of roses ain't the best thing I could do

Relevant Tags:
FFistful OOf RRoses istful f oses iFstful fO oRses cistful kf doses cFistful kOf dRoses Fcistful Okf Rdoses ristful 9f 4oses
rFistful 9Of 4Roses Fristful O9f R4oses gistful 0f goses gFistful 0Of gRoses Fgistful O0f Rgoses tistful lf toses tFistful lOf tRoses
Ftistful Olf Rtoses vistful if 5oses vFistful iOf 5Roses Fvistful Oif R5oses distful Off foses dFistful O fRoses Fdistful Of Rfoses
Fiistful Oc eoses Fstful Ocf eRoses Fsitful Ofc Reoses Fjstful Or Rooses Fjistful Orf Rses Fijstful Ofr Rsoes F9stful Og Rkses
F9istful Ogf Rkoses Fi9stful Ofg Rokses Flstful Ot R9ses Flistful Otf R9oses Filstful Oft Ro9ses Fostful Ov R0ses Foistful Ovf R0oses
Fiostful Ofv Ro0ses Fkstful Od Rlses Fkistful Odf Rloses Fikstful Ofd Rolses F8stful Rises F8istful Rioses Fi8stful Roises
Fustful Rosses Fuistful Roes Fiustful Roess Fisstful Rozes Fitful Rozses Fitsful Roszes Fiztful Rowes
Fizstful Rowses Fisztful Roswes Fiwtful Rodes Fiwstful Rodses Fiswtful Rosdes Fidtful Roees Fidstful Roeses
Fisdtful Rosees Fietful Roxes Fiestful Roxses Fisetful Rosxes Fixtful Roaes Fixstful Roases Fisxtful Rosaes
Fiatful Fiastful Ross Fisatful Rosse Fisttful Rosss Fisful Fisftul Rosess Fisfful Ros3s
Fisftful Ros3es

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