Irish Music
The Rare Old Times

Raised on songs and stories
Heroes of reknown
The passing tales and glories
That once was Dublin town
The hallowed halls and houses
The haunting children's rhymes
That once was Dublin city
In the rare old times

Ring a ring a rosie
As the light declines
I remember Dublin City
In the rare old times

My name it is Sean Dempsey
As Dublin as could be
Born hard and late in Pimlico
In a house that's ceased to be
By trade I was a cooper
Lost out to redundancy
Like my house that fell to progress
My trade's a memory

I courted Peggy Diagnam
As pretty as you please
A gentle child of Mary
From the rebel liberties
I lost her to a student chap
With skin as black as coal
When he took her off to Birmingham
She took away my soul


The years have made me bitter
The gargles dims me brain
'Cause Dublin keeps on changing
And nothing stays the same
The Pillar and the Met have gone
The Royal long since pulled down
As the great and unyielding concrete
Makes a city of my town


Fare thee well sweet Anna Liffey
I can no longer stay
And watch the new glass cages
That spring up along the quay
My mind's too full of memories
Too old to hear new chimes
I'm a part of what was Dublim
In the rare old times

(Chorus x2)

Mirror lyrics:

(Chorus x2)

In the rare old times
I'm a part of what was Dublim
Too old to hear new chimes
My mind's too full of memories
That spring up along the quay
And watch the new glass cages
I can no longer stay
Fare thee well sweet Anna Liffey


Makes a city of my town
As the great and unyielding concrete
The Royal long since pulled down
The Pillar and the Met have gone
And nothing stays the same
'Cause Dublin keeps on changing
The gargles dims me brain
The years have made me bitter


She took away my soul
When he took her off to Birmingham
With skin as black as coal
I lost her to a student chap
From the rebel liberties
A gentle child of Mary
As pretty as you please
I courted Peggy Diagnam

My trade's a memory
Like my house that fell to progress
Lost out to redundancy
By trade I was a cooper
In a house that's ceased to be
Born hard and late in Pimlico
As Dublin as could be
My name it is Sean Dempsey

In the rare old times
I remember Dublin City
As the light declines
Ring a ring a rosie

In the rare old times
That once was Dublin city
The haunting children's rhymes
The hallowed halls and houses
That once was Dublin town
The passing tales and glories
Heroes of reknown
Raised on songs and stories

Relevant Tags:
TThe RRare OOld TTimes he are ld imes hTe aRre lOd iTmes fhe dare kld fimes fThe dRare kOld fTimes Tfhe Rdare Okld Tfimes
5he 4are 9ld 5imes 5The 4Rare 9Old 5Times T5he R4are O9ld T5imes hhe gare 0ld himes hThe gRare 0Old hTimes Thhe Rgare O0ld Thimes
yhe tare lld yimes yThe tRare lOld yTimes Tyhe Rtare Olld Tyimes 6he 5are ild 6imes 6The 5Rare iOld 6Times T6he R5are Oild T6imes
ghe fare gimes gThe fRare Od gTimes Tghe Rfare Odl Tgimes rhe eare Okd rimes rThe eRare rTimes Trhe Reare Olkd Trimes
Raare Ood Tiimes Te Rre Oold Tmes Teh Rrae Olod Tmies Tje Rzre Opd Tjmes Tjhe Rzare Opld Tjimes Thje Razre Olpd Tijmes
Tue Rqre Oldd T9mes Tuhe Rqare Ol T9imes Thue Raqre Old Ti9mes Tne Rsre Olx Tlmes Tnhe Rsare Olxd Tlimes Thne Rasre Oldx Tilmes
Tbe Rwre Ole Tomes Tbhe Rware Oled Toimes Thbe Rawre Olde Tiomes Tge Rxre Olf Tkmes Rxare Olfd Tkimes Thge Raxre Oldf Tikmes
Tye Rarre Olr T8mes Rae Olrd T8imes Thye Raer Oldr Ti8mes Thee Rade Olc Tumes Th Radre Olcd Tuimes The Rarde Oldc Tiumes
Ths Ra4e Ols Timmes Thse Ra4re Olsd Ties

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