Irish Music

I wish I was in Carrickfergus
Only for nights in Ballygran
I would swim over the deepest ocean
Only for nights in Ballygran
Oh but the water is wide and I cannot swim over
And nor have I the wings to fly
I wish I could be a handy boatman
To ferry me over my love and I

My childhood days bring back sweet reflection
Of happy hours I spent so long ago
My boyhood friends and my own relations
Have all passed on now like the melting snow
But I'll spend my days in endless roaving
Soft as the grass I'm sure my bed is free
Oh to be back now in Carrickfergus
On that long mountain road down to the sea

Now in Kilkenny it is reported
They've marble stones as black as ink
With gold and silver I would support her
But I'll sing no more now till I get a drink

I'm drunk today and I'm seldom sober
A handsome rover from town to town
And I'm sick now my days are over
Come all you young men and lay me down (Repeat)

Mirror lyrics:

Come all you young men and lay me down (Repeat)
And I'm sick now my days are over
A handsome rover from town to town
I'm drunk today and I'm seldom sober

But I'll sing no more now till I get a drink
With gold and silver I would support her
They've marble stones as black as ink
Now in Kilkenny it is reported

On that long mountain road down to the sea
Oh to be back now in Carrickfergus
Soft as the grass I'm sure my bed is free
But I'll spend my days in endless roaving
Have all passed on now like the melting snow
My boyhood friends and my own relations
Of happy hours I spent so long ago
My childhood days bring back sweet reflection

To ferry me over my love and I
I wish I could be a handy boatman
And nor have I the wings to fly
Oh but the water is wide and I cannot swim over
Only for nights in Ballygran
I would swim over the deepest ocean
Only for nights in Ballygran
I wish I was in Carrickfergus

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Czrrickfergus Czarrickfergus Cazrrickfergus Cqrrickfergus Cqarrickfergus Caqrrickfergus Csrrickfergus Csarrickfergus Casrrickfergus
Cwrrickfergus Cwarrickfergus Cawrrickfergus Cxrrickfergus Caxrrickfergus Carrrickfergus Carickfergus Carrickfergus Cadrickfergus
Cadrrickfergus Cardrickfergus Ca4rickfergus Ca4rrickfergus Car4rickfergus Cagrickfergus Cagrrickfergus Cargrickfergus Catrickfergus
Catrrickfergus Cartrickfergus Ca5rickfergus Ca5rrickfergus Car5rickfergus Cafrickfergus Cafrrickfergus Carfrickfergus Caerickfergus
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Carridckfergus Carricdkfergus Carrickkfergus Carricfergus Carricfkergus Carriclfergus Carriclkfergus

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