Ingram Hill
In This State Of Mind

Look at my surrounding, and I see things through distorted eyes
And where I must be going is surely a place that I cannot hide
And as I start my walking, I can't help but see things that I don't recognize
And in this world of swerving, I must find people I know, things to do, places to go
Concoctions that will make this grow

Cause in this state of mind
I can see what I can't find
But my sight is quickly fading
In this state of mind

When I cannot hold you, I go off by myself and I resort
But what you think I'd turn to, is nothing normal, nothing of the sort
But sorrow and solitude, is not something that I am wishing for
So to relinquish my mood, I set 'em up, I knock 'em down, I go out laced to paint the town
But that's not what you're looking for

Cause in this state of mind
Time just seems to fly
And you tell me that I'm not myself
In this state of mind

Got a feelin' I'm not worthy
I'm fallin' deeper and I'm caught
Cause I see the reality I can no longer get what I want

Mirror lyrics:

Cause I see the reality I can no longer get what I want
I'm fallin' deeper and I'm caught
Got a feelin' I'm not worthy

In this state of mind
And you tell me that I'm not myself
Time just seems to fly
Cause in this state of mind

But that's not what you're looking for
So to relinquish my mood, I set 'em up, I knock 'em down, I go out laced to paint the town
But sorrow and solitude, is not something that I am wishing for
But what you think I'd turn to, is nothing normal, nothing of the sort
When I cannot hold you, I go off by myself and I resort

In this state of mind
But my sight is quickly fading
I can see what I can't find
Cause in this state of mind

Concoctions that will make this grow
And in this world of swerving, I must find people I know, things to do, places to go
And as I start my walking, I can't help but see things that I don't recognize
And where I must be going is surely a place that I cannot hide
Look at my surrounding, and I see things through distorted eyes

Relevant Tags:
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9n 5his wtate 9f kind 9In 5This wState 9Of kMind I9n T5his Swtate O9f Mkind ln hhis dtate 0f nind lIn hThis dState 0Of nMind Iln Thhis Sdtate O0f Mnind
on yhis etate lf Miind oIn yThis eState lOf Mnd Ion Tyhis Setate Olf Mnid kn 6his xtate if Mjnd kIn 6This xState iOf Ikn T6his Sxtate Oif Mijnd
8n ghis atate Off M9nd 8In gThis aState O M9ind I8n Tghis Satate Of Mi9nd un rhis Sttate Oc Mlnd uIn rThis Sate Ocf Mlind Iun Trhis Satte Ofc Milnd
Inn Sfate Or Mond I Tis Sftate Orf Moind In Tihs Stfate Ofr Miond Im Tjis S5ate Og Mknd Imn Tjhis S5tate Ogf Inm Thjis St5ate Ofg Miknd
Ih Tuis Shate Ot M8nd Ihn Tuhis Shtate Otf M8ind Inh Thuis Sthate Oft Mi8nd Ij Tnis Syate Ov Mund Tnhis Sytate Ovf Muind Inj Thnis Styate Ofv Miund
Ib Tbis S6ate Od Minnd Ibn Tbhis S6tate Odf Mid Inb Thbis St6ate Ofd Midn Tgis Sgate Mimd Sgtate Mimnd Thgis Stgate Minmd
Tyis Srate Mihd Srtate Mihnd Thyis Strate Minhd Thiis Staate Mijd Ths Stte Thsi Sttae Minjd
Thjs Stzte Mibd Stzate Mibnd Thijs Stazte Minbd Th9s Stqte Mindd Th9is Stqate Min Thi9s Staqte Mind
Thls Stste Minx

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