Infected Mushroom
Muse Breaks Rmx

Take it to your top and now watch me get in
Feel this on the sun and let the vibe in
Don't you feel the rain drops are near?
You're the only tool to Reggae music
And your time is so useless
And your days are not a muse breaks
Feel me get in
Feel me get in

Take me up and out
Cause rainy days are all I feel
I'm walking about
I know that, there's no time
In the days of muse breaks
I had to hang on tight
Looking back I wish I had more time for, you...

Take it to your top and now watch me get in
Feel it when the sun is up and let the vibe in
Don't you feel the rain drops are near?
You're the only tool for Reggae music
And your time is so useless
And your days are not a muse breaks
Feel me get in
Feel me get in
Feel me get in

Take it straight up and watch me get in
Feel it when the sun is up and let the vibe in
Don't you feel the rain drops are near?
You're the only tool to Reggae music
And your time is so useless
And your days are not a muse breaks
Get in

Take it straight up and watch me get in
Feel it when the sun is up and let the vibe in
Don't you feel the rain drops are near?
You're the only tool to Reggae music
And your time is so useless
And your days are not a muse breaks
Feel me get in
Feel me get in
Feel me get in

Take me up and out
Cause rainy days are all I feel
I'm walking about
I know that, there's no time
In the days of muse breaks
I had to hang on tight
Looking back I wish I had more time for, you...

Mirror lyrics:

Looking back I wish I had more time for, you...
I had to hang on tight
In the days of muse breaks
I know that, there's no time
I'm walking about
Cause rainy days are all I feel
Take me up and out

Feel me get in
Feel me get in
Feel me get in
And your days are not a muse breaks
And your time is so useless
You're the only tool to Reggae music
Don't you feel the rain drops are near?
Feel it when the sun is up and let the vibe in
Take it straight up and watch me get in

Get in
And your days are not a muse breaks
And your time is so useless
You're the only tool to Reggae music
Don't you feel the rain drops are near?
Feel it when the sun is up and let the vibe in
Take it straight up and watch me get in

Feel me get in
Feel me get in
Feel me get in
And your days are not a muse breaks
And your time is so useless
You're the only tool for Reggae music
Don't you feel the rain drops are near?
Feel it when the sun is up and let the vibe in
Take it to your top and now watch me get in

Looking back I wish I had more time for, you...
I had to hang on tight
In the days of muse breaks
I know that, there's no time
I'm walking about
Cause rainy days are all I feel
Take me up and out

Feel me get in
Feel me get in
And your days are not a muse breaks
And your time is so useless
You're the only tool to Reggae music
Don't you feel the rain drops are near?
Feel this on the sun and let the vibe in
Take it to your top and now watch me get in

Relevant Tags:
MMuse BBreaks RRmx use reaks mx uMse rBeaks mRx juse vreaks dmx jMuse vBreaks dRmx Mjuse Bvreaks Rdmx kuse greaks 4mx
kMuse gBreaks 4Rmx Mkuse Bgreaks R4mx nuse nreaks gmx nMuse nBreaks gRmx Mnuse Bnreaks Rgmx Muuse hreaks tmx Mse hBreaks tRmx
Msue Bhreaks Rtmx Mhse Brreaks 5mx Mhuse Beaks 5Rmx Muhse Beraks R5mx M7se Bdeaks fmx M7use Bdreaks fRmx Mu7se Brdeaks Rfmx
Mkse B4eaks emx B4reaks eRmx Mukse Br4eaks Remx Mise Bgeaks Rmmx Miuse Rx Muise Brgeaks Rxm M8se Bteaks Rjx
M8use Btreaks Rjmx Mu8se Brteaks Rmjx Mjse B5eaks Rkx B5reaks Rkmx Mujse Br5eaks Rmkx Myse Bfeaks Rnx Myuse Bfreaks Rnmx
Muyse Brfeaks Rmnx Musse Beeaks Rmxx Mue Bereaks Rm Mues Breeaks Rmx Muze Rmd Muzse Braks Rmdx Musze Braeks Rmxd
Muwe Brsaks Rmz Muwse Brseaks Rmzx Muswe Bresaks Rmxz Mude Br3aks Rmc Mudse Br3eaks Rmcx Musde Bre3aks Rmxc Muee Brfaks Rms
Muese Rmsx Musee Brefaks Rmxs Muxe Brraks Muxse Musxe Breraks Muae Br4aks Muase

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