Irving Berlin
Reaching For The Moon

The moon and you appear to be
So near and yet so far from me
And here am I on a night in june
Reaching for the moon and you,

I wonder if we'll ever meet
My song of love is incomplete
I'm just the words, looking for the tune
Reaching for the moon and you.

<instrumental interlude>

I'm just the words, looking for the tune
Reaching for the moon and you.

Mirror lyrics:

Reaching for the moon and you.
I'm just the words, looking for the tune

<instrumental interlude>

Reaching for the moon and you.
I'm just the words, looking for the tune
My song of love is incomplete
I wonder if we'll ever meet

Reaching for the moon and you,
And here am I on a night in june
So near and yet so far from me
The moon and you appear to be

Relevant Tags:
RReaching FFor TThe MMoon eaching or he oon eRaching oFr hTe oMon deaching cor fhe joon dReaching cFor fThe jMoon Rdeaching Fcor Tfhe Mjoon
4eaching ror 5he koon 4Reaching rFor 5The kMoon R4eaching Fror T5he Mkoon geaching gor hhe noon gReaching gFor hThe nMoon Rgeaching Fgor Thhe Mnoon
teaching tor yhe Mooon tReaching tFor yThe Mon Rteaching Ftor Tyhe Moon 5eaching vor 6he Mkon 5Reaching vFor 6The R5eaching Fvor T6he Mokon
feaching dor ghe M9on fReaching dFor gThe M9oon Rfeaching Fdor Tghe Mo9on eeaching Foor rhe M0on eReaching Fr rThe M0oon Reeaching Fro Trhe Mo0on
Fkr Mlon Raching Fkor Te Mloon Raeching Fokr Teh Molon Rsaching F9r Tje Mion Rseaching F9or Tjhe Mioon Resaching Fo9r Thje Moion
R3aching F0r Tue R3eaching F0or Tuhe Re3aching Fo0r Thue Mono Rfaching Flr Tne Mokn Flor Tnhe Refaching Folr Thne Mookn
Rraching Fir Tbe Mo9n Rreaching Fior Tbhe Reraching Foir Thbe Moo9n R4aching Forr Tge Mo0n Fo Re4aching For Thge Moo0n
Rdaching Fod Tye Moln Fodr Redaching Ford Thye Mooln Rwaching Fo4 Thee Moin Rweaching Fo4r Th Rewaching For4 The Mooin
Reaaching Fog Ths Moonn Reching Fogr Thse Moo Recahing Forg Thes Rezching Fot Th3 Moom Rezaching Fotr Th3e Moomn Reazching Fort The3 Moonm
Reqching Fo5 Thf Mooh Reqaching Fo5r Thfe Moohn Reaqching For5 Thef Moonh Resching Fof Thr Mooj Fofr Thre Moojn Reasching Forf Ther Moonj
Rewching Foe Th4 Moob Foer Th4e Moobn Reawching Fore The4 Moonb Rexching Thd Rexaching Thde Reaxching Thed
Reacching Thw Reahing Thwe Reahcing Thew Reafhing Reafching Reacfhing
Reaxhing Reacxhing

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