
Everybody else let it go
They would try to understand

Oh, not him, no, not him, no, not him, no

Leave hime by, Gods lies
Staying yourself, not easy

Oh, not him, no, not him, no, not him, no

Looking in the mirror
Scared of what he sees
Looking at there children
Scared of what they'll be
Looking at themself
Scared of what they'll say
Scared of what they'll say

Obituary of a man
Not like you and me
It's a life of another man
Stumble in me
Obituary of a man
Not like you and me
Not like him

As we all cry
Oh, just to survive
He smiles
'Cause he never cared, no no
Alltough hes said he followed through
Let it all go

Looking in the mirror
Scared of what he sees
Looking at there children
Scared of what they'll be
Looking at themself
Scared of what they'll see
Scared of what they'll say

Scared of what they'll say
Scared of what they'll say

Mirror lyrics:

Scared of what they'll say
Scared of what they'll say

Scared of what they'll say
Scared of what they'll see
Looking at themself
Scared of what they'll be
Looking at there children
Scared of what he sees
Looking in the mirror

Let it all go
Alltough hes said he followed through
'Cause he never cared, no no
He smiles
Oh, just to survive
As we all cry

Not like him
Not like you and me
Obituary of a man
Stumble in me
It's a life of another man
Not like you and me
Obituary of a man

Scared of what they'll say
Scared of what they'll say
Looking at themself
Scared of what they'll be
Looking at there children
Scared of what he sees
Looking in the mirror

Oh, not him, no, not him, no, not him, no

Staying yourself, not easy
Leave hime by, Gods lies

Oh, not him, no, not him, no, not him, no

They would try to understand
Everybody else let it go

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OObituary bituary bOituary kbituary kObituary Okbituary 9bituary 9Obituary O9bituary 0bituary 0Obituary
O0bituary lbituary lObituary Olbituary ibituary iObituary Oibituary Obbituary Oituary Oibtuary Ovituary
Ovbituary Obvituary Ogituary Ogbituary Obgituary Onituary Onbituary Obnituary Ohituary Ohbituary Obhituary
Obiituary Obtuary Obtiuary Objtuary Objituary Obijtuary Ob9tuary Ob9ituary Obi9tuary Obltuary Oblituary
Obiltuary Obotuary Oboituary Obiotuary Obktuary Obkituary Obiktuary Ob8tuary Ob8ituary Obi8tuary Obutuary
Obuituary Obiutuary Obittuary Obiuary Obiutary Obifuary Obiftuary Obitfuary Obi5uary Obi5tuary Obit5uary
Obihuary Obihtuary Obithuary Obiyuary Obiytuary Obityuary Obi6uary Obi6tuary Obit6uary Obiguary Obigtuary
Obitguary Obiruary Obirtuary Obitruary Obituuary Obitary Obitaury

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