Colours Of The Rainbow (tune Up Original Mix)

So damn sure
You wanna look kind
24 / 7 on my mind
All i ever wanted is to be with you
Making me feel so brand new

I thought i can love no more
One too many times before
Now every time i look up to the sky
I've got you on my mind

The colours of the rainbow shine so bright
Everytime i look into your eyes
Its the colours of the rainbow that feed my soul
Over and over, just like you do

The colours of the rainbow shine so bright
Everytime i look into your eyes
Its the colours of the rainbow that feed my soul
Over and over, just like you do

Over and over, just like you do

Over and over, just like you do

So damn sure
You wanna look kind
24 / 7 on my mind
All i ever wanted is to be with you
Making me feel so brand new

I thought i can love no more
One too many times before
Now every time i look up to the sky
I've got you on my mind

The colours of the rainbow
The colours of the rainbow
The colours of the rainbow
The colours of the rainbow

The colours of the rainbow shine so bright
Everytime i look into your eyes
Its the colours of the rainbow that feed my soul
Over and over, just like you do

The colours of the rainbow shine so bright
Everytime i look into your eyes
Its the colours of the rainbow that feed my soul
Over and over, just like you

Over and over, just like you do

Mirror lyrics:

Over and over, just like you do

Over and over, just like you
Its the colours of the rainbow that feed my soul
Everytime i look into your eyes
The colours of the rainbow shine so bright

Over and over, just like you do
Its the colours of the rainbow that feed my soul
Everytime i look into your eyes
The colours of the rainbow shine so bright

The colours of the rainbow
The colours of the rainbow
The colours of the rainbow
The colours of the rainbow

I've got you on my mind
Now every time i look up to the sky
One too many times before
I thought i can love no more

Making me feel so brand new
All i ever wanted is to be with you
24 / 7 on my mind
You wanna look kind
So damn sure

Over and over, just like you do

Over and over, just like you do

Over and over, just like you do
Its the colours of the rainbow that feed my soul
Everytime i look into your eyes
The colours of the rainbow shine so bright

Over and over, just like you do
Its the colours of the rainbow that feed my soul
Everytime i look into your eyes
The colours of the rainbow shine so bright

I've got you on my mind
Now every time i look up to the sky
One too many times before
I thought i can love no more

Making me feel so brand new
All i ever wanted is to be with you
24 / 7 on my mind
You wanna look kind
So damn sure

Relevant Tags:
CColours OOf TThe RRainbow ((tune UUp OOriginal MMix) olours f he ainbow tune p riginal ix) oClours fO hTe aRinbow t(une pU rOiginal iMx)
folours kf fhe dainbow (ttune hp kriginal jix) fColours kOf fThe dRainbow (une hUp kOriginal jMix) Cfolours Okf Tfhe Rdainbow (utne Uhp Okriginal Mjix)
xolours 9f 5he 4ainbow (fune 7p 9riginal kix) xColours 9Of 5The 4Rainbow (ftune 7Up 9Original kMix) Cxolours O9f T5he R4ainbow (tfune U7p O9riginal Mkix)
volours 0f hhe gainbow (5une kp 0riginal nix) vColours 0Of hThe gRainbow (5tune kUp 0Original nMix) Cvolours O0f Thhe Rgainbow (t5une Ukp O0riginal Mnix)
dolours lf yhe tainbow (hune ip lriginal Miix) dColours lOf yThe tRainbow (htune iUp lOriginal Mx) Cdolours Olf Tyhe Rtainbow (thune Uip Olriginal Mxi)
Coolours if 6he 5ainbow (yune 8p iriginal Mjx) Clours iOf 6The 5Rainbow (ytune 8Up iOriginal Cloours Oif T6he R5ainbow (tyune U8p Oiriginal Mijx)
Cklours Off ghe fainbow (6une jp Orriginal M9x) Ckolours O gThe fRainbow (6tune jUp Oiginal M9ix) Coklours Of Tghe Rfainbow (t6une Ujp Oirginal Mi9x)
C9lours Oc rhe eainbow (gune yp Odiginal Mlx) C9olours Ocf rThe eRainbow (gtune yUp Odriginal Mlix) Co9lours Ofc Trhe Reainbow (tgune Uyp Ordiginal Milx)
C0lours Or Raainbow (rune Upp O4iginal Mox) C0olours Orf Te Rinbow (rtune U O4riginal Moix) Co0lours Ofr Teh Rianbow (trune Up Or4iginal Miox)
Cllours Og Tje Rzinbow (tuune U0 Ogiginal Mkx) Clolours Ogf Tjhe Rzainbow (tne U0p Ogriginal Collours Ofg Thje Razinbow (tnue Up0 Orgiginal Mikx)
Cilours Ot Tue Rqinbow (thne Ul Otiginal M8x) Ciolours Otf Tuhe Rqainbow Ulp Otriginal M8ix) Coilours Oft Thue Raqinbow (tuhne Upl Ortiginal Mi8x)
Ov Tne Rsinbow (t7ne Uo O5iginal Mux) Coours Ovf Tnhe Rsainbow (t7une Uop O5riginal Muix) Coolurs Ofv Thne Rasinbow (tu7ne Upo Or5iginal Miux)
Cokours Od Tbe Rwinbow (tkne Ofiginal Mixx) Odf Tbhe Rwainbow (tkune Ofriginal Mi) Colkours Ofd Thbe Rawinbow (tukne Orfiginal Mi)x
Cooours Tge Rxinbow (tine Oeiginal Mid) Rxainbow (tiune Oeriginal Midx) Coloours Thge Raxinbow (tuine Oreiginal Mixd)
Copours Tye Raiinbow (t8ne Oriiginal Miz) Coplours Ranbow (t8une Orginal Mizx) Colpours Thye Ranibow (tu8ne Orgiinal Mixz)
Thee Rajnbow (tjne Orjginal Mic) Colurs Th Rajinbow (tjune Orjiginal Micx) Coluors The Raijnbow (tujne Orijginal Mixc)
Colkurs Ths Ra9nbow (tyne Or9ginal Mis) Thse Ra9inbow Or9iginal Misx) Colokurs Thes Rai9nbow (tuyne Ori9ginal Mixs)
Col9urs Th3 Ralnbow (tunne Orlginal Mix)) Col9ours Th3e Ralinbow (tue Orliginal Mix Colo9urs The3 Railnbow (tuen Orilginal Mix)
Col0urs Thf Raonbow (tume Oroginal Col0ours Thfe Raoinbow (tumne Oroiginal Colo0urs Thef Raionbow (tunme Orioginal
Collurs Thr Raknbow (tuhe Orkginal Thre Rakinbow Orkiginal Cololurs Ther Raiknbow (tunhe Orikginal
Coliurs Th4 Ra8nbow (tuje Or8ginal Coliours Th4e Ra8inbow Or8iginal Coloiurs The4 Rai8nbow (tunje Ori8ginal
Colouurs Thd Raunbow (tube Oruginal Colors Thde Rauinbow (tubne Oruiginal Colorus Thed Raiunbow (tunbe Oriuginal
Colohrs Thw Rainnbow (tunee Origginal Colohurs Thwe Raibow (tun Oriinal Colouhrs Thew Raibnow (tune Oriignal
Colo7rs Raimbow (tuns Orihinal Colo7urs Raimnbow (tunse Orihginal Colou7rs Rainmbow (tunes Orighinal
Colokrs Raihbow (tun3 Oriyinal Raihnbow (tun3e Oriyginal Coloukrs Rainhbow (tune3 Origyinal
Coloirs Raijbow (tunf Oribinal (tunfe Oribginal Colouirs Rainjbow (tunef Origbinal

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