It Dies Today
Black Bile, White Lies

He's reigning down on the shadow lands again
Born as the bastard son, lost in his own pretension
Dastardly concerned, yet chipped away in time
You'll come to find out that your boy is never coming back

He's reared himself a throne, so bow to the king of nothing
Lost himself again in black bile, bow to the king
His majesty, the wretch

He's drenched himself in the sweetest of all sin
Just one more rail he cries, as one foot graces his grave
Fearlessly inept, a failure from the womb
Apologies but your boy is never coming back


He's failed you all once again, conquered by poisonous bliss
There will be no revival this time around
He's failed you all once again, conquered by poisonous bliss
Well, he's far too gone now, too far gone to save


Mirror lyrics:


Well, he's far too gone now, too far gone to save
He's failed you all once again, conquered by poisonous bliss
There will be no revival this time around
He's failed you all once again, conquered by poisonous bliss


Apologies but your boy is never coming back
Fearlessly inept, a failure from the womb
Just one more rail he cries, as one foot graces his grave
He's drenched himself in the sweetest of all sin

His majesty, the wretch
Lost himself again in black bile, bow to the king
He's reared himself a throne, so bow to the king of nothing

You'll come to find out that your boy is never coming back
Dastardly concerned, yet chipped away in time
Born as the bastard son, lost in his own pretension
He's reigning down on the shadow lands again

Relevant Tags:
BBlack BBile, WWhite LLies lack ile, hite ies lBack iBle, hWite iLes vlack vile, ahite kies vBlack vBile, aWhite kLies Bvlack Bvile, Wahite Lkies
glack gile, 3hite oies gBlack gBile, 3White oLies Bglack Bgile, W3hite Loies nlack nile, dhite pies nBlack nBile, dWhite pLies Bnlack Bnile, Wdhite Lpies
hlack hile, ehite Liies hBlack hBile, eWhite Les Bhlack Bhile, Wehite Leis Bllack Biile, shite Ljes Back Ble, sWhite Ljies Balck Blie, Wshite Lijes
Bkack Bjle, 2hite L9es Bklack Bjile, 2White L9ies Blkack Bijle, W2hite Li9es Boack B9le, qhite Lles Bolack B9ile, qWhite Llies Bloack Bi9le, Wqhite Liles
Bpack Blle, Whhite Loes Bplack Blile, Wite Blpack Bille, Wihte Lioes Blaack Bole, Wjite Lkes Blck Boile, Wjhite Blcak Biole, Whjite Likes
Blzck Bkle, Wuite L8es Blzack Bkile, Wuhite L8ies Blazck Bikle, Whuite Li8es Blqck B8le, Wnite Lues Blqack B8ile, Wnhite Luies Blaqck Bi8le, Whnite Liues
Blsck Bule, Wbite Liees Blsack Buile, Wbhite Lis Blasck Biule, Whbite Lise Blwck Wgite Liss Blwack Bie, Wghite Lises Blawck Biel, Whgite Liess
Blxck Bike, Wyite Li3s Blxack Wyhite Li3es Blaxck Bilke, Whyite Lie3s Blacck Bioe, Whiite Lifs Blak Whte Lifes Blakc Biloe, Whtie Liefs
Blafk Bipe, Whjte Lirs Blafck Biple, Lires Blacfk Bilpe, Whijte Liers Blaxk Bilee, Wh9te Li4s Bil, Wh9ite Li4es Blacxk Bil,e Whi9te Lie4s
Blavk Bils, Whlte Lids Blavck Bilse, Whlite Lides Blacvk Biles, Whilte Lieds

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