Indigo Girls
Ghost [demo Version]

there's a letter on the desktop
that i dug out of a drawer
the last truce we ever came to
in our adolescent war
and i start to feel the fever
from the warm air through the screen
you come regular like seasons
shadowing my dreams

and the mississippi's mighty
but it starts in minnesota
at a place that you could walk across
with five steps down
and i guess that's how you started
like a pinprick to my heart
but at this point you rush right through me
and i start to drown

and there's not enough room
in this world for my pain
signals cross and love gets lost
and time passed makes it plain
of all my demon spirits
i need you the most
i'm in love with your ghost
i'm in love with your ghost

dark and dangerous like a secret
that gets whispered in a hush
(don't tell a soul)
when i wake the things i dreamt about you
last night make me blush
(don't tell a soul)
and you kiss me like a lover
then you sting me like a viper
i go follow to the river
play your memory like a piper

and i feel it like a sickness
how this love is killing me
i'd walk into the fingers
of your fire willingly
and dance the edge of sanity
i've never been this close
i'm in love with your ghost

unknowing captor
you never know how much you
pierce my spirit
but i can't touch you
can you hear it
a cry to be free
oh i'm forever under lock and key
as you pass through me

now i see your face before me
i would launch a thousand ships
to bring your heart back to my island
as the sand beneath me slips
as i burn up in your presence
and i know now how it feels
to be weakened like achilles
with you always at my heels

this bitter pill i swallow
is the silence that i keep
it poisons me i can't swim free
the river is too deep
though i'm baptized by your touch
i am no worse than most
in love with your ghost

you are shadowing my dreams
(in love with your ghost)
(in love with your ghost)
(in love with your ghost)

Mirror lyrics:

(in love with your ghost)
(in love with your ghost)
(in love with your ghost)
you are shadowing my dreams

in love with your ghost
i am no worse than most
though i'm baptized by your touch
the river is too deep
it poisons me i can't swim free
is the silence that i keep
this bitter pill i swallow

with you always at my heels
to be weakened like achilles
and i know now how it feels
as i burn up in your presence
as the sand beneath me slips
to bring your heart back to my island
i would launch a thousand ships
now i see your face before me

as you pass through me
oh i'm forever under lock and key
a cry to be free
can you hear it
but i can't touch you
pierce my spirit
you never know how much you
unknowing captor

i'm in love with your ghost
i've never been this close
and dance the edge of sanity
of your fire willingly
i'd walk into the fingers
how this love is killing me
and i feel it like a sickness

play your memory like a piper
i go follow to the river
then you sting me like a viper
and you kiss me like a lover
(don't tell a soul)
last night make me blush
when i wake the things i dreamt about you
(don't tell a soul)
that gets whispered in a hush
dark and dangerous like a secret

i'm in love with your ghost
i'm in love with your ghost
i need you the most
of all my demon spirits
and time passed makes it plain
signals cross and love gets lost
in this world for my pain
and there's not enough room

and i start to drown
but at this point you rush right through me
like a pinprick to my heart
and i guess that's how you started
with five steps down
at a place that you could walk across
but it starts in minnesota
and the mississippi's mighty

shadowing my dreams
you come regular like seasons
from the warm air through the screen
and i start to feel the fever
in our adolescent war
the last truce we ever came to
that i dug out of a drawer
there's a letter on the desktop

Relevant Tags:
GGhost [[demo VVersion] host demo ersion] hGost d[emo eVrsion] hhost [ddemo bersion] hGhost [emo bVersion] Ghhost [edmo Vbersion]
yhost [xemo cersion] yGhost [xdemo cVersion] Gyhost [dxemo Vcersion] bhost [eemo gersion] bGhost [edemo gVersion] Gbhost [deemo Vgersion]
vhost [femo fersion] vGhost [fdemo fVersion] Gvhost [dfemo Vfersion] fhost [remo Veersion] fGhost [rdemo Vrsion] Gfhost [dremo Vresion]
thost [cemo Vsrsion] tGhost [cdemo Vsersion] Gthost [dcemo Vesrsion] [semo V3rsion] Gost [sdemo V3ersion] Gohst [dsemo Ve3rsion]
Gjost Vfrsion] Gjhost [dmo Ghjost [dmeo Vefrsion] Guost [dsmo Vrrsion] Guhost Vrersion] Ghuost [desmo Verrsion]
Gnost [d3mo V4rsion] Gnhost [d3emo V4ersion] Ghnost [de3mo Ve4rsion] Gbost [dfmo Vdrsion] Vdersion] Ghbost [defmo Vedrsion]
Ggost [drmo Vwrsion] Gghost Vwersion] Ghgost [dermo Vewrsion] Gyost [d4mo [d4emo Vesion] Ghyost [de4mo Vesrion]
Ghoost [ddmo Vedsion] Ghst Ghsot [dedmo Verdsion] Ghkst [dwmo Ve4sion] Ghkost [dwemo Ghokst [dewmo Ver4sion]
Gh9st [demmo Vegsion] Gh9ost [deo Vegrsion] Gho9st [deom Vergsion] Gh0st [dejo Vetsion] Gh0ost [dejmo Vetrsion] Gho0st [demjo Vertsion]
Ghlst [deko Ve5sion] Ghlost [dekmo Ve5rsion] Gholst [demko Ver5sion] Ghist [deno Vefsion] Ghiost [denmo Ghoist [demno Verfsion]
Ghosst [demoo Veesion] Ghot [dem Ghots [demo Veresion] Ghozt [demk Verssion] Ghozst Verion] Ghoszt [demok Verison]

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