Gently Hurting

Climb the scarlet mountain just to get to you.
Breathe in a galaxy just to control you.
Calculate the friction between our fingers.
And i remember that...

She was so pretty...
She was so pretty...

Now i can smile, because your next to me.
Darkness seeks the world around us.
Now time just stops.
Because your next to me.

But she turns my world upside down.
Her gentle hurt awaits for me then kicks me in the teeth.
But i cant turn away.
I will always cherish all that you have done for me.
But now your gently hurting.

Your imperfections...
They make you perfect.
You dance with me just like a serpent.
They travelled through time.
To get back to you....Travel throught time....

Her gentle hurt awaits for me...
And kicks me in the teeth.
But i cant turn away.
I will always treasure all that you have done for me...
But Now Your gently hurting......

Mirror lyrics:

But Now Your gently hurting......
I will always treasure all that you have done for me...
But i cant turn away.
And kicks me in the teeth.
Her gentle hurt awaits for me...

To get back to you....Travel throught time....
They travelled through time.
You dance with me just like a serpent.
They make you perfect.
Your imperfections...

But now your gently hurting.
I will always cherish all that you have done for me.
But i cant turn away.
Her gentle hurt awaits for me then kicks me in the teeth.
But she turns my world upside down.

Because your next to me.
Now time just stops.
Darkness seeks the world around us.
Now i can smile, because your next to me.

She was so pretty...
She was so pretty...

And i remember that...
Calculate the friction between our fingers.
Breathe in a galaxy just to control you.
Climb the scarlet mountain just to get to you.

Relevant Tags:
GGently HHurting ently urting eGntly uHrting hently jurting hGently jHurting Ghently Hjurting yently uurting yGently uHurting
Gyently Huurting bently nurting bGently nHurting Gbently Hnurting vently burting vGently bHurting Gvently Hburting fently gurting
fGently gHurting Gfently Hgurting tently yurting tGently yHurting Gtently Hyurting Geently Gntly Hrting Gnetly Hruting
Gsntly Hhrting Gsently Hhurting Gesntly Huhrting G3ntly H7rting G3ently H7urting Ge3ntly Hu7rting Gfntly Hkrting Hkurting
Gefntly Hukrting Grntly Hirting Grently Hiurting Gerntly Huirting G4ntly H8rting G4ently H8urting Ge4ntly Hu8rting Gdntly Hjrting
Gdently Gedntly Hujrting Gwntly Hyrting Gwently Gewntly Huyrting Genntly Hurrting Getly Huting Getnly Hutring
Gemtly Hudting Gemntly Hudrting Genmtly Hurdting Gehtly Hu4ting Gehntly Hu4rting Genhtly Hur4ting Gejtly Hugting Gejntly Hugrting
Genjtly Hurgting Gebtly Hutting Gebntly Hutrting Genbtly Hurtting Genttly Hu5ting Genly Hu5rting Genlty Hur5ting Genfly Hufting
Genftly Hufrting Gentfly Hurfting Gen5ly Hueting Gen5tly Huerting Gent5ly Hureting Genhly Huring

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