This One's For Kermit Washington

There's a ghost on every corner of this town
They're reminding me of how things used to be
They're offering an easier way out
Well if it's easier, let's make it easier
You can always save the best for last

I was never meant to make it past twenty-two
Look at me now, who knew
I found it was much easier back then
Well if it's easier, let's make it easier
You can always save the best for last

Well, the time it takes
And the rules we break
Gets harder to take it all back
Well, the time it takes
And the rules we break
Gets harder to take it all back, to take it all back.

There's a ghost on every corner of this town.
They're reminding me of how things used to be.
They're offering an easier way out,
Well if it's easier, let's make it easier.
You can always save the best for life.

Well, the time it takes
And the rules we break
Gets harder to take it all back
Well, the time we take
And the rules we break
Gets harder to take it all back, to take it all back

[brief musical interlude]

You can always save the best for last
You can always save the best for last

Well the time it takes,
And the rules we break
Gets harder to take it all back

Get's harder to take it all back
To take it all back

Mirror lyrics:

To take it all back
Get's harder to take it all back

Gets harder to take it all back
And the rules we break
Well the time it takes,

You can always save the best for last
You can always save the best for last

[brief musical interlude]

Gets harder to take it all back, to take it all back
And the rules we break
Well, the time we take
Gets harder to take it all back
And the rules we break
Well, the time it takes

You can always save the best for life.
Well if it's easier, let's make it easier.
They're offering an easier way out,
They're reminding me of how things used to be.
There's a ghost on every corner of this town.

Gets harder to take it all back, to take it all back.
And the rules we break
Well, the time it takes
Gets harder to take it all back
And the rules we break
Well, the time it takes

You can always save the best for last
Well if it's easier, let's make it easier
I found it was much easier back then
Look at me now, who knew
I was never meant to make it past twenty-two

You can always save the best for last
Well if it's easier, let's make it easier
They're offering an easier way out
They're reminding me of how things used to be
There's a ghost on every corner of this town

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TThis OOne's FFor KKermit WWashington his ne's or ermit ashington hTis nOe's oFr eKrmit aWshington fhis kne's cor lermit aashington fThis kOne's cFor lKermit aWashington
Tfhis Okne's Fcor Klermit Waashington 5his 9ne's ror oermit 3ashington 5This 9One's rFor oKermit 3Washington T5his O9ne's Fror Koermit W3ashington hhis 0ne's gor mermit dashington
hThis 0One's gFor mKermit dWashington Thhis O0ne's Fgor Kmermit Wdashington yhis lne's tor jermit eashington yThis lOne's tFor jKermit eWashington Tyhis Olne's Ftor Kjermit Weashington
6his ine's vor iermit sashington 6This iOne's vFor iKermit sWashington T6his Oine's Fvor Kiermit Wsashington ghis Onne's dor Keermit 2ashington gThis Oe's dFor Krmit 2Washington
Tghis Oen's Fdor Kremit W2ashington rhis Ome's Foor Ksrmit qashington rThis Omne's Fr Ksermit qWashington Trhis Onme's Fro Kesrmit Wqashington Ohe's Fkr K3rmit
Tis Ohne's Fkor K3ermit Wshington Tihs Onhe's Fokr Ke3rmit Wsahington Tjis Oje's F9r Kfrmit Wzshington Tjhis Ojne's F9or Kfermit Wzashington Thjis Onje's Fo9r Kefrmit Wazshington
Tuis Obe's F0r Krrmit Wqshington Tuhis Obne's F0or Krermit Thuis Onbe's Fo0r Kerrmit Waqshington Tnis Onee's Flr K4rmit Wsshington Tnhis On's Flor K4ermit
Thnis On'es Folr Ke4rmit Wasshington Tbis Ons's Fir Kdrmit Wwshington Tbhis Onse's Fior Kdermit Wwashington Thbis Ones's Foir Kedrmit Wawshington Tgis On3's Forr Kwrmit Wxshington
On3e's Fo Kwermit Wxashington Thgis One3's For Kewrmit Waxshington Tyis Onf's Fod Onfe's Fodr Kemit Wahington Thyis Onef's Ford Kemrit Wahsington
Thiis Onr's Fo4 Kedmit Wazhington Ths Onre's Fo4r Thsi Oner's For4 Kerdmit Waszhington Thjs On4's Fog Ke4mit Wawhington On4e's Fogr
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