Ferocity In Desire

Could it be, this is just the beginning of the age of grinning and winning
Four soldiers united and strong Proving our enemies wrong
From deep within the beast has been re-released
From the south east it hunts for a feast
A feast that will feed all the fury and might
It might work, it just might work

I don't care how far you have flown
How fast or how slow
I don't want to know you
You're only slowing me down
As the crow flies
I know what I want

Could this be the pinnacle of the war?
So much more cynical than ever before
It was never suppose to be easy
We might win, we just might win

I don't care how far you have flown
How fast or how slow
I don't want to know you
You're only slowing me down
As the crow flies
I know what I want

I don't care how far you have flown
How fast or how slow
I don't want to know you
You're only slowing me down
As the crow flies
I'm focussed

I've been broken so many times
And every time I climb back to the shining divine throne of desire
I now know my path I know what I want

Mirror lyrics:

I now know my path I know what I want
And every time I climb back to the shining divine throne of desire
I've been broken so many times

I'm focussed
As the crow flies
You're only slowing me down
I don't want to know you
How fast or how slow
I don't care how far you have flown

I know what I want
As the crow flies
You're only slowing me down
I don't want to know you
How fast or how slow
I don't care how far you have flown

We might win, we just might win
It was never suppose to be easy
So much more cynical than ever before
Could this be the pinnacle of the war?

I know what I want
As the crow flies
You're only slowing me down
I don't want to know you
How fast or how slow
I don't care how far you have flown

It might work, it just might work
A feast that will feed all the fury and might
From the south east it hunts for a feast
From deep within the beast has been re-released
Four soldiers united and strong Proving our enemies wrong
Could it be, this is just the beginning of the age of grinning and winning

Relevant Tags:
FFerocity IIn DDesire erocity n esire eFrocity nI eDsire cerocity jn xesire cFerocity jIn xDesire Fcerocity Ijn Dxesire
rerocity 9n eesire rFerocity 9In eDesire Frerocity I9n Deesire gerocity ln fesire gFerocity lIn fDesire Fgerocity Iln Dfesire
terocity on resire tFerocity oIn rDesire Fterocity Ion Dresire verocity kn cesire vFerocity kIn cDesire Fverocity Ikn Dcesire
derocity 8n sesire dFerocity 8In sDesire Fderocity I8n Dsesire Feerocity un Frocity uIn Dsire Freocity Iun Dseire
Fsrocity Inn Dssire Fserocity I Fesrocity In Dessire F3rocity Im D3sire F3erocity Imn D3esire Fe3rocity Inm De3sire
Ffrocity Ih Dfsire Fferocity Ihn Fefrocity Inh Defsire Frrocity Ij Drsire Ferrocity Inj Dersire F4rocity Ib D4sire
F4erocity Ibn D4esire Fe4rocity Inb De4sire Fdrocity Ddsire Ddesire Fedrocity Dedsire Fwrocity Dwsire
Fwerocity Dwesire Fewrocity Dewsire Feocity Deire Feorcity Deisre Fedocity Dezire Dezsire
Ferdocity Deszire Fe4ocity Dewire Fer4ocity Deswire Fegocity Dedire Fegrocity Fergocity Desdire
Fetocity Deeire Fetrocity Fertocity Deseire Fe5ocity Dexire Fe5rocity Dexsire Fer5ocity Desxire
Fefocity Deaire Deasire Ferfocity Desaire Feeocity Desiire Desre Fereocity Desrie
Feroocity Desjre Fercity Desjire Fercoity Desijre Ferkcity Des9re Ferkocity Des9ire Ferokcity Desi9re
Fer9city Deslre Fer9ocity Deslire Fero9city Desilre Fer0city Desore Fer0ocity Desoire Fero0city Desiore

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