The Glass Is Half... Awesome

Here is to the strong ones
Raise it up on last time
Here is to the lucky and the lonely
and I'm home now, but I wish...

...that this car could move so much faster
than we are moving tonight.

I may not sleep tonight,
but I'll be up by nine
And I'm okay with this.
And I'm just fine with that
And I'm home now, but I wish...

...that this car could move so much faster
than we are moving tonight.

I have made hospitals.
for heartbreaks in my room.
And I'm okay with this.
And I'm just fine with that
And I'm home now, but I wish...

..that this car could move so much faster
than we are moving tonight.

Mirror lyrics:

than we are moving tonight.
..that this car could move so much faster

And I'm home now, but I wish...
And I'm just fine with that
And I'm okay with this.
for heartbreaks in my room.
I have made hospitals.

than we are moving tonight.
...that this car could move so much faster

And I'm home now, but I wish...
And I'm just fine with that
And I'm okay with this.
but I'll be up by nine
I may not sleep tonight,

than we are moving tonight.
...that this car could move so much faster

and I'm home now, but I wish...
Here is to the lucky and the lonely
Raise it up on last time
Here is to the strong ones

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TThe GGlass IIs HHalf... AAwesome he lass s alf... wesome hTe lGass sI aHlf... wAesome fhe hlass js jalf... zwesome fThe hGlass jIs jHalf... zAwesome
Tfhe Ghlass Ijs Hjalf... Azwesome 5he ylass 9s ualf... qwesome 5The yGlass 9Is uHalf... qAwesome T5he Gylass I9s Hualf... Aqwesome hhe blass ls nalf... swesome
hThe bGlass lIs nHalf... sAwesome Thhe Gblass Ils Hnalf... Aswesome yhe vlass os balf... wwesome yThe vGlass oIs bHalf... wAwesome Tyhe Gvlass Ios Hbalf... Awwesome
6he flass ks galf... xwesome 6The fGlass kIs gHalf... xAwesome T6he Gflass Iks Hgalf... Axwesome ghe tlass 8s yalf... gThe tGlass 8Is yHalf... Aesome
Tghe Gtlass I8s Hyalf... Aewsome rhe Gllass us Haalf... Aaesome rThe Gass uIs Hlf... Aawesome Trhe Galss Ius Hlaf... Awaesome Gkass Iss Hzlf... A3esome
Te Gklass I Hzalf... A3wesome Teh Glkass Is Hazlf... Aw3esome Tje Goass Iz Hqlf... Adesome Tjhe Golass Izs Hqalf... Adwesome Thje Gloass Isz Haqlf... Awdesome
Tue Gpass Iw Hslf... Aeesome Tuhe Gplass Iws Hsalf... Aewesome Thue Glpass Isw Haslf... Aweesome Tne Glaass Id Hwlf... Asesome Tnhe Glss Ids Hwalf...
Thne Glsas Isd Hawlf... Awsesome Tbe Glzss Ie Hxlf... A2esome Tbhe Glzass Ies Hxalf... A2wesome Thbe Glazss Ise Haxlf... Aw2esome Tge Glqss Ix Hallf... Aqesome
Glqass Ixs Haf... Thge Glaqss Isx Hafl... Awqesome Tye Glsss Ia Hakf... Glsass Ias Haklf... Awsome Thye Glasss Isa Halkf... Awseome
Thee Glwss Haof... Awssome Th Glwass Haolf... The Glawss Halof... Awessome Ths Glxss Hapf... Aw3some Thse Glxass Haplf...
Thes Glaxss Halpf... Awe3some Th3 Halff... Awfsome Th3e Glas Hal... Awfesome The3 Glass Hal.f.. Awefsome Thf Glazs Halc... Awrsome
Thfe Halcf... Awresome Thef Glaszs Halfc... Awersome Thr Glaws Halr... Aw4some Thre Halrf... Aw4esome Ther Glasws Halfr... Awe4some
Th4 Glads Halg... Awdsome Th4e Gladss Halgf... The4 Glasds Halfg... Awedsome Thd Glaes Halt... Awwsome

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