Inhale Exhale
I Live The Bad Life (you Make It Worse)

Let's stick together and show them you are not an idiot anymore.
We will face this right now and not flinch one bit.
Clenched fist eyes roll back it sends a shiver down his spine.
You hate things so badly.
And it is worse for the ones who are lost.
You give me a bad name for who I try to be for what I try to be.
Protect your heart from hatred.
It is who I try to be and what i try to do.
I am not always right in my actions or my words.
But I will try and be a man this time.
Pay attention to being real.
And the lies you were taught will flee.
You believed me.

Mirror lyrics:

You believed me.
And the lies you were taught will flee.
Pay attention to being real.
But I will try and be a man this time.
I am not always right in my actions or my words.
It is who I try to be and what i try to do.
Protect your heart from hatred.
You give me a bad name for who I try to be for what I try to be.
And it is worse for the ones who are lost.
You hate things so badly.
Clenched fist eyes roll back it sends a shiver down his spine.
We will face this right now and not flinch one bit.
Let's stick together and show them you are not an idiot anymore.

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II LLive TThe BBad LLife ((you MMake IIt WWorse) ive he ad ife you ake t orse) I iLve hTe aBd iLfe y(ou aMke tI oWrse)
j kive fhe vad kife (yyou jake jt aorse) jI kLive fThe vBad kLife (ou jMake jIt aWorse) Ij Lkive Tfhe Bvad Lkife (oyu Mjake Ijt Waorse)
9 oive 5he gad oife (gou kake 9t 3orse) 9I oLive 5The gBad oLife (gyou kMake 9It 3Worse) I9 Loive T5he Bgad Loife (ygou Mkake I9t W3orse)
l pive hhe nad pife (hou nake lt dorse) lI pLive hThe nBad pLife (hyou nMake lIt dWorse) Il Lpive Thhe Bnad Lpife (yhou Mnake Ilt Wdorse)
o Liive yhe had Liife (6ou Maake ot eorse) oI Lve yThe hBad Lfe (6you Mke oIt eWorse) Io Lvie Tyhe Bhad Lfie (y6ou Mkae Iot Weorse)
k Ljve 6he Baad Ljfe (uou Mzke kt sorse) kI Ljive 6The Bd Ljife (uyou Mzake kIt sWorse) Ik Lijve T6he Bda Lijfe (yuou Mazke Ikt Wsorse)
8 L9ve ghe Bzd L9fe (7ou Mqke 8t 2orse) 8I L9ive gThe Bzad L9ife (7you Mqake 8It 2Worse) I8 Li9ve Tghe Bazd Li9fe (y7ou Maqke I8t W2orse)
u Llve rhe Bqd Llfe (jou Mske ut qorse) uI Llive rThe Bqad Llife (jyou Msake uIt qWorse) Iu Lilve Trhe Baqd Lilfe (yjou Maske Iut Wqorse)
Love Bsd Lofe (tou Mwke Itt Woorse) Te Bsad (tyou Mwake I Wrse) Liove Teh Basd Liofe (ytou Mawke It Wrose)
Lkve Tje Bwd Lkfe (yoou Mxke If Wkrse) Tjhe Bwad (yu Mxake Ift Wkorse) Likve Thje Bawd Likfe (yuo Maxke Itf Wokrse)
L8ve Tue Bxd L8fe (yku Makke I5 W9rse) L8ive Tuhe Bxad L8ife (ykou Mae I5t W9orse) Li8ve Thue Baxd Li8fe (yoku Maek It5 Wo9rse)
Luve Tne Badd Lufe (y9u Male Ih W0rse) Luive Tnhe Ba Luife (y9ou Malke Iht W0orse) Liuve Thne Bad Liufe (yo9u Makle Ith Wo0rse)
Livve Tbe Bax Liffe (y0u Maoe Iy Wlrse) Lie Tbhe Lie (y0ou Maoke Iyt Wlorse) Liev Thbe Badx Lief (yo0u Makoe Ity Wolrse)
Libe Tge Bae Lice (ylu Mame I6 Wirse) Libve Baed Licfe (ylou Mamke I6t Wiorse) Livbe Thge Bade Lifce (yolu Makme It6 Woirse)
Lice Tye Baf Lire (yiu Maje Ig Worrse) Licve Bafd Lirfe (yiou Majke Igt Wose) Livce Thye Badf Lifre (yoiu Makje Itg Wosre)
Lige Thee Bar Lige (youu Maie Ir Wodse) Ligve Th Bard Ligfe (yo Maike Irt Wodrse) Livge The Badr Lifge (you Makie Itr Wordse)
Life Ths Bac Lite (yoh Makee Wo4se) Lifve Thse Bacd Litfe (yohu Mak Wo4rse) Livfe Thes Badc Lifte (youh Make Wor4se)
Livee Th3 Bas Live (yo7 Maks Wogse) Liv Th3e Livfe (yo7u Makse Wogrse) Live The3 Bads Lifve (you7 Makes Worgse)

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