Welcome To The Future

Welcome to the future
That old familiar fate
Trying not to hurt now
But to heal

'Cause this is the end
I hope you enjoyed every minute
'Cause time won't bend
It's only your world while you're in it

Don't turn away
Look ahead
There's nothing we need from the past
It wasn't meant to last

Welcome to the future
We knew this day would come
Trying not to falter
But to live

'Cause if it's the end
I'll stay till the very last minute
But I can't defend
A world without you living in it

Why can't we try to survive
Time stays alive in my mind
Lives intertwined, fall behind
Can we break these ties
Can we rewind

Don't turn away
Look ahead
There's nothing we need from the past
It wasn't meant to last

Don't be afraid
Look ahead
Every thing's changing so fast
The future will soon be the past

'Cause this is the end
I hope you enjoyed every minute
'Cause time won't bend
It's only your world while you're in it

Welcome to the future
That old familiar fate
Trying not to hurt now
But to heal

Mirror lyrics:

But to heal
Trying not to hurt now
That old familiar fate
Welcome to the future

It's only your world while you're in it
'Cause time won't bend
I hope you enjoyed every minute
'Cause this is the end

The future will soon be the past
Every thing's changing so fast
Look ahead
Don't be afraid

It wasn't meant to last
There's nothing we need from the past
Look ahead
Don't turn away

Can we rewind
Can we break these ties
Lives intertwined, fall behind
Time stays alive in my mind
Why can't we try to survive

A world without you living in it
But I can't defend
I'll stay till the very last minute
'Cause if it's the end

But to live
Trying not to falter
We knew this day would come
Welcome to the future

It wasn't meant to last
There's nothing we need from the past
Look ahead
Don't turn away

It's only your world while you're in it
'Cause time won't bend
I hope you enjoyed every minute
'Cause this is the end

But to heal
Trying not to hurt now
That old familiar fate
Welcome to the future

Relevant Tags:
WWelcome TTo TThe FFuture elcome o he uture eWlcome oT hTe uFture aelcome fo fhe cuture aWelcome fTo fThe cFuture Waelcome Tfo Tfhe Fcuture
3elcome 5o 5he ruture 3Welcome 5To 5The rFuture W3elcome T5o T5he Fruture delcome ho hhe guture dWelcome hTo hThe gFuture Wdelcome Tho Thhe Fguture
eelcome yo yhe tuture eWelcome yTo yThe tFuture Weelcome Tyo Tyhe Ftuture selcome 6o 6he vuture sWelcome 6To 6The vFuture Wselcome T6o T6he Fvuture
2elcome go ghe duture 2Welcome gTo gThe dFuture W2elcome Tgo Tghe Fduture qelcome ro rhe Fuuture qWelcome rTo rThe Fture Wqelcome Tro Trhe Ftuure
Too Fhture Wlcome T Te Fhuture Wlecome To Teh Fuhture Wslcome Tk Tje F7ture Tko Tjhe F7uture Weslcome Tok Thje Fu7ture
W3lcome T9 Tue Fkture T9o Tuhe Fkuture We3lcome To9 Thue Fukture Wflcome T0 Tne Fiture Wfelcome T0o Tnhe Fiuture Weflcome To0 Thne Fuiture
Wrlcome Tl Tbe F8ture Wrelcome Tlo Tbhe F8uture Werlcome Tol Thbe Fu8ture W4lcome Ti Tge Fjture W4elcome Tio Fjuture We4lcome Toi Thge Fujture
Wdlcome Tye Fyture Fyuture Wedlcome Thye Fuyture Wwlcome Thee Futture Wwelcome Th Fuure Wewlcome The Fuutre
Wellcome Ths Fufure Wecome Thse Fufture Weclome Thes Futfure Wekcome Th3 Fu5ure Weklcome Th3e Fu5ture Welkcome The3 Fut5ure
Weocome Thf Fuhure Weolcome Thfe Welocome Thef Futhure Wepcome Thr Fuyure Weplcome Thre Welpcome Ther Futyure
Welccome Th4 Fu6ure Welome Th4e Fu6ture Welocme The4 Fut6ure Welfome Thd Fugure Welfcome Thde Fugture Welcfome Thed Futgure

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