Hyper Static Union
Praying For Sunny Days

The thunder echoes
From the mountains to the waves
Sometimes I wish I could tell the clouds to behave
Calm the stormy seas
Just by stretching out my hand
But I am just a man, only a man, so I'm…

Praying for sunny days to return to me
Seeking the warmth of the solar rays
I'm not just seeing the gray skies in front of me
Praying for sunny days

This torrential downpour has my brain in a trance
I'd get up and move but I just can't dance
Lord, You know that I've done all I can
But I am just a man, only a man, so I'm…


Rain, rain, go away, I have faith that you won't stay
I don't care what doubters say
Sunny days will come my way
Then the birds come out to play
By the light of one sun ray
Now I kneel me down to pray,
“Please, God give me sunny days”


Mirror lyrics:


“Please, God give me sunny days”
Now I kneel me down to pray,
By the light of one sun ray
Then the birds come out to play
Sunny days will come my way
I don't care what doubters say
Rain, rain, go away, I have faith that you won't stay


But I am just a man, only a man, so I'm…
Lord, You know that I've done all I can
I'd get up and move but I just can't dance
This torrential downpour has my brain in a trance

Praying for sunny days
I'm not just seeing the gray skies in front of me
Seeking the warmth of the solar rays
Praying for sunny days to return to me

But I am just a man, only a man, so I'm…
Just by stretching out my hand
Calm the stormy seas
Sometimes I wish I could tell the clouds to behave
From the mountains to the waves
The thunder echoes

Relevant Tags:
PPraying FFor SSunny DDays raying or unny ays rPaying oFr uSnny aDys 0raying cor zunny xays 0Praying cFor zSunny xDays P0raying Fcor Szunny Dxays
lraying ror wunny eays lPraying rFor wSunny eDays Plraying Fror Swunny Deays oraying gor dunny fays oPraying gFor dSunny fDays Poraying Fgor Sdunny Dfays
Prraying tor eunny rays Paying tFor eSunny rDays Parying Ftor Seunny Drays Pdaying vor xunny cays Pdraying vFor xSunny cDays Prdaying Fvor Sxunny Dcays
P4aying dor aunny says P4raying dFor aSunny sDays Pr4aying Fdor Saunny Dsays Pgaying Foor Suunny Daays Pgraying Fr Snny Dys Prgaying Fro Snuny Dyas
Ptaying Fkr Shnny Dzys Ptraying Fkor Shunny Dzays Prtaying Fokr Suhnny Dazys P5aying F9r S7nny Dqys P5raying F9or S7unny Dqays Pr5aying Fo9r Su7nny Daqys
Pfaying F0r Sknny Dsys Pfraying F0or Skunny Prfaying Fo0r Suknny Dasys Peaying Flr Sinny Dwys Peraying Flor Siunny Dways Preaying Folr Suinny Dawys
Praaying Fir S8nny Dxys Prying Fior S8unny Pryaing Foir Su8nny Daxys Przying Forr Sjnny Dayys Przaying Fo Sjunny Das Prazying For Sujnny Dasy
Prqying Fod Synny Dags Prqaying Fodr Syunny Dagys Praqying Ford Suynny Daygs Prsying Fo4 Sunnny Dahs Prsaying Fo4r Suny Dahys Prasying For4 Sunny Dayhs
Prwying Fog Sumny Da6s Prwaying Fogr Sumnny Da6ys Prawying Forg Sunmny Day6s Prxying Fot Suhny Daus Prxaying Fotr Dauys Praxying Fort Sunhny Dayus
Prayying Fo5 Sujny Da7s Praing Fo5r Da7ys Praiyng For5 Sunjny Day7s Praging Fof Subny Dajs Pragying Fofr Subnny Dajys Prayging Forf Sunbny Dayjs
Prahing Foe Dats Prahying Foer Datys Prayhing Fore Sunyn Dayts Pra6ing Sunmy Dayss Pra6ying Day Pray6ing Sunnmy Days
Prauing Sunhy Dayz

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