Insidious Frustration
What I'm Living For

I see you in the dark
Laying next to my side
I hope this never changes
I hope tonight will last forever

You're everything to me
I have everything to lose
This is what was meant to be
I'd live and die for you

It's what I'm living for
It's the blessing of my life
There is nowhere
That I'd rather be
You're what I'm living for
You're the only thing I want
There is nothing more
Important to me
Here I understand the truth
I was meant to be with you

I see you in the light
As the days has past
All the great times we had
I hope forever they last

No one ever understands
Nothing I would rather do
Sit and stay forever
To stand next to you

It's what I'm living for
It's the blessing of my life
There is nowhere
That I'd rather be
You're what I'm living for
You're the only thing I want
There is nothing more
Important to me
Here I understand the truth
I was meant to be with you

You're what I'm living for
What I'm living for

Mirror lyrics:

What I'm living for
You're what I'm living for

I was meant to be with you
Here I understand the truth
Important to me
There is nothing more
You're the only thing I want
You're what I'm living for
That I'd rather be
There is nowhere
It's the blessing of my life
It's what I'm living for

To stand next to you
Sit and stay forever
Nothing I would rather do
No one ever understands

I hope forever they last
All the great times we had
As the days has past
I see you in the light

I was meant to be with you
Here I understand the truth
Important to me
There is nothing more
You're the only thing I want
You're what I'm living for
That I'd rather be
There is nowhere
It's the blessing of my life
It's what I'm living for

I'd live and die for you
This is what was meant to be
I have everything to lose
You're everything to me

I hope tonight will last forever
I hope this never changes
Laying next to my side
I see you in the dark

Relevant Tags:
WWhat II'm LLiving FFor hat 'm iving or hWat 'Im iLving oFr ahat j'm kiving cor aWhat jI'm kLiving cFor Wahat Ij'm Lkiving Fcor
3hat 9'm oiving ror 3What 9I'm oLiving rFor W3hat I9'm Loiving Fror dhat l'm piving gor dWhat lI'm pLiving gFor Wdhat Il'm Lpiving Fgor
ehat o'm Liiving tor eWhat oI'm Lving tFor Wehat Io'm Lviing Ftor shat k'm Ljving vor sWhat kI'm Ljiving vFor Wshat Ik'm Lijving Fvor
2hat 8'm L9ving dor 2What 8I'm L9iving dFor W2hat I8'm Li9ving Fdor qhat u'm Llving Foor qWhat uI'm Lliving Fr Wqhat Iu'm Lilving Fro
Whhat I''m Loving Fkr Wat Im Fkor Waht Im' Lioving Fokr Wjat I'mm Lkving F9r Wjhat I' F9or Whjat I'm Likving Fo9r
Wuat I'j L8ving F0r Wuhat I'jm L8iving F0or Whuat I'mj Li8ving Fo0r Wnat I'k Luving Flr Wnhat I'km Luiving Flor Whnat I'mk Liuving Folr
Wbat I'n Livving Fir Wbhat I'nm Liing Fior Whbat I'mn Liivng Foir Wgat Libing Forr Wghat Libving Fo Whgat Livbing For
Wyat Licing Fod Wyhat Licving Fodr Whyat Livcing Ford Whaat Liging Fo4 Wht Ligving Fo4r Whta Livging For4
Whzt Lifing Fog Whzat Lifving Fogr Whazt Livfing Forg Whqt Liviing Fot Whqat Livng Fotr

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