Insidious Frustration
Living In A High Life Society

Living the good life
In this new stage
Society placed
I'm placed on the page

Within the light
It seems alright
Through the time
It will be all mine

Never will I fail
But I won't ever prevail
Sometimes I wish I could leave here
Sometimes I wish I wasn't near the light

I'm a good person
Come home with me

This isn't me
Take me away
Return back home
Return and stay

Maybe in reverse
I'll be alright
Maybe without a trace
I will be alright

Mirror lyrics:

I will be alright
Maybe without a trace
I'll be alright
Maybe in reverse

Return and stay
Return back home
Take me away
This isn't me

Come home with me
I'm a good person

Sometimes I wish I wasn't near the light
Sometimes I wish I could leave here
But I won't ever prevail
Never will I fail

It will be all mine
Through the time
It seems alright
Within the light

I'm placed on the page
Society placed
In this new stage
Living the good life

Relevant Tags:
LLiving IIn AA HHigh LLife SSociety iving n igh ife ociety iLving nI A iHgh iLfe oSciety kiving jn z jigh kife zociety kLiving jIn zA jHigh kLife zSociety
Lkiving Ijn Az Hjigh Lkife Szociety oiving 9n q uigh oife wociety oLiving 9In qA uHigh oLife wSociety Loiving I9n Aq Huigh Loife Swociety piving ln s nigh pife dociety
pLiving lIn sA nHigh pLife dSociety Lpiving Iln As Hnigh Lpife Sdociety Liiving on w bigh Liife eociety Lving oIn wA bHigh Lfe eSociety Lviing Ion Aw Hbigh Lfie Seociety
Ljving kn x gigh Ljfe xociety Ljiving kIn xA gHigh Ljife xSociety Lijving Ikn Ax Hgigh Lijfe Sxociety L9ving 8n yigh L9fe aociety L9iving 8In yHigh L9ife aSociety
Li9ving I8n Hyigh Li9fe Saociety Llving un Hiigh Llfe Soociety Lliving uIn Hgh Llife Sciety Lilving Iun Hgih Lilfe Scoiety Loving Inn Hjgh Lofe Skciety
I Skociety Lioving In Hijgh Liofe Sokciety Lkving Im H9gh Lkfe S9ciety Imn H9igh S9ociety Likving Inm Hi9gh Likfe So9ciety
L8ving Ih Hlgh L8fe S0ciety L8iving Ihn Hligh L8ife S0ociety Li8ving Inh Hilgh Li8fe So0ciety Luving Ij Hogh Lufe Slciety Luiving Hoigh Luife Slociety
Liuving Inj Hiogh Liufe Solciety Livving Ib Hkgh Liffe Siciety Liing Ibn Hkigh Lie Siociety Liivng Inb Hikgh Lief Soiciety Libing H8gh Lice Socciety
Libving H8igh Licfe Soiety Livbing Hi8gh Lifce Soicety Licing Hugh Lire Sofiety Licving Lirfe Sofciety Livcing Hiugh Lifre Socfiety
Liging Higgh Lige Soxiety Ligving Hih Ligfe Soxciety Livging Hihg Lifge Socxiety Lifing Hihh Lite Soviety Lifving Hihgh Litfe Sovciety
Livfing Highh Lifte Socviety Liviing Hiyh Live Sodiety Livng Hiygh Livfe Sodciety Livnig Higyh Lifve Socdiety Livjng Hibh Lide Sociiety
Livjing Hibgh Lidfe Socety Livijng Higbh Lifde Soceity Liv9ng Hivh Lifee Socjety Liv9ing Hivgh Lif Socjiety Livi9ng Higvh Life Socijety
Livlng Hifh Lifs Soc9ety Livling Hifgh Lifse Soc9iety Livilng Higfh Lifes Soci9ety Livong Hith Lif3 Soclety Livoing Hitgh Lif3e Socliety
Liviong Higth Life3 Socilety Livkng Liff Socoety Livking Hig Socoiety Livikng High Lifef Socioety Liv8ng Higj Lifr Sockety
Liv8ing Higjh Sockiety Livi8ng Highj Lifer Socikety

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