Inspection 12
Labels Are For Cans (get Rad Version)

What's with trying to specify what type of music we play?
Why can't you just listen to it and decide if it's cool or if it's lame.
Must you insist on a title? I'd rather not have a name.
See, we could change in a second and get placed in a different frame.
Labels are for cans. We leave it in your hands.
Consider my advice: Standards all dissolve.
They're often made of salt and broken down in time.
We might try heavy metal. We might go out on a limb.
We might sing a cappella for you. It all comes from the heart, that's the thing.
Habits often lie. Practices will die. It's always been that way.
Rules and all the rest...anomalies at best.
A proverb for today: Keep your defenses up and be careful with the names.
Never let your guard down because nothing stays the same.
Labels are for cans. We leave it in your hands.
Your pigeonhole's a waste.
But your voice and ugly face are easily erased and vanish in the haze.

Mirror lyrics:

But your voice and ugly face are easily erased and vanish in the haze.
Your pigeonhole's a waste.
Labels are for cans. We leave it in your hands.
Never let your guard down because nothing stays the same.
A proverb for today: Keep your defenses up and be careful with the names.
Rules and all the rest...anomalies at best.
Habits often lie. Practices will die. It's always been that way.
We might sing a cappella for you. It all comes from the heart, that's the thing.
We might try heavy metal. We might go out on a limb.
They're often made of salt and broken down in time.
Consider my advice: Standards all dissolve.
Labels are for cans. We leave it in your hands.
See, we could change in a second and get placed in a different frame.
Must you insist on a title? I'd rather not have a name.
Why can't you just listen to it and decide if it's cool or if it's lame.
What's with trying to specify what type of music we play?

Relevant Tags:
LLabels AAre FFor CCans ((get RRad VVersion) abels re or ans get ad ersion) aLbels rAe oFr aCns g(et aRd eVrsion)
kabels zre cor fans (gget dad bersion) kLabels zAre cFor fCans (et dRad bVersion) Lkabels Azre Fcor Cfans (egt Rdad Vbersion)
oabels qre ror xans (het 4ad cersion) oLabels qAre rFor xCans (hget 4Rad cVersion) Loabels Aqre Fror Cxans (ghet R4ad Vcersion)
pabels sre gor vans (yet gad gersion) pLabels sAre gFor vCans (yget gRad gVersion) Lpabels Asre Fgor Cvans (gyet Rgad Vgersion)
Laabels wre tor dans (bet tad fersion) Lbels wAre tFor dCans (bget tRad fVersion) Lbaels Awre Ftor Cdans (gbet Rtad Vfersion)
Lzbels xre vor Caans (vet 5ad Veersion) Lzabels xAre vFor Cns (vget 5Rad Vrsion) Lazbels Axre Fvor Cnas (gvet R5ad Vresion)
Lqbels Arre dor Czns (fet fad Vsrsion) Lqabels Ae dFor Czans (fget fRad Vsersion) Laqbels Aer Fdor Cazns (gfet Rfad Vesrsion)
Lsbels Ade Foor Cqns (tet ead V3rsion) Lsabels Adre Fr Cqans (tget eRad V3ersion) Lasbels Arde Fro Caqns (gtet Read Ve3rsion)
Lwbels A4e Fkr Csns (geet Raad Vfrsion) Lwabels A4re Fkor Csans (gt Rd Lawbels Ar4e Fokr Casns (gte Rda Vefrsion)
Lxbels Age F9r Cwns (gst Rzd Vrrsion) Lxabels Agre F9or Cwans (gset Rzad Vrersion) Laxbels Arge Fo9r Cawns (gest Razd Verrsion)
Labbels Ate F0r Cxns (g3t Rqd V4rsion) Laels Atre F0or (g3et Rqad V4ersion) Laebls Arte Fo0r Caxns (ge3t Raqd Ve4rsion)
Lavels A5e Flr Canns (gft Rsd Vdrsion) Lavbels A5re Flor Cas Rsad Vdersion) Labvels Ar5e Folr Casn (geft Rasd Vedrsion)
Lagels Afe Fir Cams (grt Rwd Vwrsion) Lagbels Afre Fior Camns (gret Rwad Vwersion) Labgels Arfe Foir Canms (gert Rawd Vewrsion)
Lanels Aee Forr Cahs (g4t Rxd Lanbels Aere Fo Cahns (g4et Rxad Vesion) Labnels Aree For Canhs (ge4t Raxd Vesrion)
Lahels Fod Cajs (gdt Radd Vedsion) Lahbels Ar Fodr Cajns (gdet Ra Labhels Are Ford Canjs (gedt Rad Verdsion)
Labeels Ars Fo4 Cabs (gwt Rax Ve4sion) Labls Arse Fo4r Cabns (gwet Lables Ares For4 Canbs (gewt Radx Ver4sion)
Labsls Ar3 Fog Canss (gett Rae Vegsion) Labsels Ar3e Fogr Can (ge Raed Vegrsion) Labesls Are3 Forg Cans (get Rade Vergsion)
Lab3ls Arf Fot Canz (gef Raf Vetsion) Lab3els Fotr Canzs Rafd Vetrsion) Labe3ls Aref Fort Cansz (getf Radf Vertsion)
Labfls Arr Fo5 Canw (ge5 Rar Ve5sion) Labfels Fo5r Canws (ge5t Rard Ve5rsion) Labefls Arer For5 Cansw (get5 Radr Ver5sion)
Labrls Ar4 Fof Cand (geh Rac Vefsion) Labrels Fofr Cands (geht Racd Laberls Are4 Forf Cansd (geth Radc Verfsion)
Lab4ls Ard Foe Cane (gey Ras Veesion) Lab4els Foer Canes (geyt Labe4ls Ared Fore Canse (gety Rads Veresion)
Labdls Arw Canx (ge6 Verssion) Labdels Arwe Canxs (ge6t Verion) Labedls Arew Cansx (get6 Verison)

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