No Love Lost

Through the stinging of the system
Wandering lonely as a cloud
Talking only in the open
Congregation is even now disallowed
Growing anger in the city
Banner headlines around the world
What has to be done is called reformation
To heal the rift of living apart together

Forgive them, they know not what they do
There's no love lost at all
Save them they rue the day when
They ever got involved

Even so I have a dream
Turning circles in my head
That they're closing down all the no-go areas
Opening one for them both instead

Forgive them, they know not what they do
There's no love lost at all
Save them God are you waiting open-armed?

All of the problems over the years
I'm sure can be sorted with peaceful solutions
My warm shoulder dries your tears
I want no more heartache
Oh for crying out loud

No point asking if you're leaving
Didn't I make that clear
If we agree to differ
The closer, I'm certain, we'll always feel

Forgive them they know not what they do
There's no love lost at all
Save them they rue the day when
They ever got involved

Mirror lyrics:

They ever got involved
Save them they rue the day when
There's no love lost at all
Forgive them they know not what they do

The closer, I'm certain, we'll always feel
If we agree to differ
Didn't I make that clear
No point asking if you're leaving

Oh for crying out loud
I want no more heartache
My warm shoulder dries your tears
I'm sure can be sorted with peaceful solutions
All of the problems over the years

Save them God are you waiting open-armed?
There's no love lost at all
Forgive them, they know not what they do

Opening one for them both instead
That they're closing down all the no-go areas
Turning circles in my head
Even so I have a dream

They ever got involved
Save them they rue the day when
There's no love lost at all
Forgive them, they know not what they do

To heal the rift of living apart together
What has to be done is called reformation
Banner headlines around the world
Growing anger in the city
Congregation is even now disallowed
Talking only in the open
Wandering lonely as a cloud
Through the stinging of the system

Relevant Tags:
NNo LLove LLost o ove ost oN oLve oLst mo kove kost mNo kLove kLost Nmo Lkove Lkost ho oove oost hNo oLove oLost Nho Loove Loost
jo pove post jNo pLove pLost Njo Lpove Lpost bo bNo Lve Lst Nbo Lvoe Lsot Noo Lkve Lkst N No Lokve Lokst
Nk L9ve L9st Nko L9ove L9ost Nok Lo9ve Lo9st N9 L0ve L0st N9o L0ove L0ost No9 Lo0ve Lo0st N0 Llve Llst N0o Llove Llost No0 Lolve Lolst
Nl Live List Nlo Liove Liost Nol Loive Loist Ni Lovve Losst Nio Loe Lot Noi Loev Lots Lobe Lozt Lobve Lozst Lovbe Loszt
Loce Lowt

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