Fading Senses

i) After all
Following everything I've known
I was wondering all alone
Waiting for a time that might have been
My own way down
Suddenly everything is wrong
have I really been gone so long?
Hanging by the nails
Across my idle eyes so wide
And after all the days of fading senses
This has taken more
Than I had to give
If we face the one we've been avoiding
And I'm out of all control again
Let me go

Gathering comforting remains
I was unprepared, running scared
Faltering, and why do I hold on?
It's gone, I know
And after all the days of fading senses
I don't feel the same
And I want to live
The insecurity of never knowing
Has the race been run
And is the long day done?
ii) Fading senses (instrumental)

Mirror lyrics:

ii) Fading senses (instrumental)
And is the long day done?
Has the race been run
The insecurity of never knowing
And I want to live
I don't feel the same
And after all the days of fading senses
It's gone, I know
Faltering, and why do I hold on?
I was unprepared, running scared
Gathering comforting remains

Let me go
And I'm out of all control again
If we face the one we've been avoiding
Than I had to give
This has taken more
And after all the days of fading senses
Across my idle eyes so wide
Hanging by the nails
have I really been gone so long?
Suddenly everything is wrong
My own way down
Waiting for a time that might have been
I was wondering all alone
Following everything I've known
i) After all

Relevant Tags:
FFading SSenses ading enses aFding eSnses cading zenses cFading zSenses Fcading Szenses rading wenses rFading wSenses Frading Swenses
gading denses gFading dSenses Fgading Sdenses tading eenses tFading eSenses Ftading Seenses vading xenses vFading xSenses Fvading Sxenses
dading aenses dFading aSenses Fdading Saenses Faading Fding Snses Fdaing Sneses Fzding Ssnses Fzading Ssenses Fazding Sesnses
Fqding S3nses Fqading S3enses Faqding Se3nses Fsding Sfnses Fsading Sfenses Fasding Sefnses Fwding Srnses Fwading Srenses Fawding Sernses
Fxding S4nses Fxading S4enses Faxding Se4nses Fadding Sdnses Faing Faidng Sednses Faxing Swnses Fadxing Sewnses Faeing Sennses
Faeding Seses Fadeing Sesnes Fafing Semses Fafding Semnses Fadfing Senmses Faring Sehses Farding Sehnses Fadring Senhses Facing Sejses
Facding Sejnses Fadcing Senjses Fasing Sebses

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