Full Moon Dirty Hearts

Full moon in a dirty sky
That's all we can hope for, yeah

Full moon over dirty hearts
Full moon over dirty hearts

Don't be surprised
By the way it is
I've broken bones for less, yes

I took a voyage (took a voyage)
On the deep blue sea (deep blue sea)
But I had to swim away
I swam away that day

Full moon over dirty hearts
Full moon over dirty hearts

I took a voyage
On the deep blue sea (won't come back)

Innocence is what we want
Now even children think that way, yeah

Full moon over dirty hearts
Full moon in a dirty sky

Full moon over dirty hearts
Full moon over dirty hearts

I took a voyage, yeah
On the deep blue sea

I took a voyage, yeah
On the deep blue sea

Mirror lyrics:

On the deep blue sea
I took a voyage, yeah

On the deep blue sea
I took a voyage, yeah

Full moon over dirty hearts
Full moon over dirty hearts

Full moon in a dirty sky
Full moon over dirty hearts

Now even children think that way, yeah
Innocence is what we want

On the deep blue sea (won't come back)
I took a voyage

Full moon over dirty hearts
Full moon over dirty hearts

I swam away that day
But I had to swim away
On the deep blue sea (deep blue sea)
I took a voyage (took a voyage)

I've broken bones for less, yes
By the way it is
Don't be surprised

Full moon over dirty hearts
Full moon over dirty hearts

That's all we can hope for, yeah
Full moon in a dirty sky

Relevant Tags:
FFull MMoon DDirty HHearts ull oon irty earts uFll oMon iDrty eHarts cull joon xirty jearts cFull jMoon xDirty jHearts Fcull Mjoon Dxirty Hjearts
rull koon eirty uearts rFull kMoon eDirty uHearts Frull Mkoon Deirty Huearts gull noon firty nearts gFull nMoon fDirty nHearts Fgull Mnoon Dfirty Hnearts
tull Mooon rirty bearts tFull Mon rDirty bHearts Ftull Moon Drirty Hbearts vull Mkon cirty gearts vFull cDirty gHearts Fvull Mokon Dcirty Hgearts
dull M9on sirty yearts dFull M9oon sDirty yHearts Fdull Mo9on Dsirty Hyearts Fuull M0on Diirty Heearts Fll M0oon Drty Harts Flul Mo0on Drity Haerts
Fhll Mlon Djrty Hsarts Fhull Mloon Djirty Hsearts Fuhll Molon Dijrty Hesarts F7ll Mion D9rty H3arts F7ull Mioon D9irty H3earts Fu7ll Moion Di9rty He3arts
Fkll Dlrty Hfarts Fkull Dlirty Hfearts Fukll Mono Dilrty Hefarts Fill Mokn Dorty Hrarts Fiull Doirty Hrearts Fuill Mookn Diorty Herarts
F8ll Mo9n Dkrty H4arts F8ull Dkirty H4earts Fu8ll Moo9n Dikrty He4arts Fjll Mo0n D8rty Hdarts Fjull D8irty Hdearts Fujll Moo0n Di8rty Hedarts
Fyll Moln Durty Hwarts Fyull Duirty Hwearts Fuyll Mooln Diurty Hewarts Fulll Moin Dirrty Heaarts Ful Dity Herts Full Mooin Ditry Herats
Fukl Moonn Didty Hezrts Moo Didrty Hezarts Fulkl Dirdty Heazrts Fuol Moom Di4ty Heqrts Fuoll Moomn Di4rty Heqarts Fulol Moonm Dir4ty Heaqrts
Fupl Mooh Digty Hesrts Fupll Moohn Digrty Fulpl Moonh Dirgty Heasrts Mooj Ditty Hewrts Moojn Ditrty Moonj Dirtty Heawrts
Fulk Moob Di5ty Hexrts Moobn Di5rty Hexarts Fullk Moonb Dir5ty Heaxrts

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