Fair Weather Ahead

There's this place full of mountain heads
Living and chewing on the fat
Built upon the hazy plan
Like foundations slipping through the sand

Long teeth and whiskers like a rat
Fearing only those present
They got zero emotion
And everybody's fed up with that

Warm outside but very cold within
Followed and praised for many years
They got all the promotions
Isn't that the way it's always been

History's written always red
It's pages are painful and clear
It's so full of devotion
Makes you wonder where it could have led

Put the lights out, fair weather ahead
These strange new creatures
Aha, they won't be led

Mirror lyrics:

Aha, they won't be led
These strange new creatures
Put the lights out, fair weather ahead

Makes you wonder where it could have led
It's so full of devotion
It's pages are painful and clear
History's written always red

Isn't that the way it's always been
They got all the promotions
Followed and praised for many years
Warm outside but very cold within

And everybody's fed up with that
They got zero emotion
Fearing only those present
Long teeth and whiskers like a rat

Like foundations slipping through the sand
Built upon the hazy plan
Living and chewing on the fat
There's this place full of mountain heads

Relevant Tags:
FFair WWeather AAhead air eather head aFir eWather hAead cair aeather zhead cFair aWeather zAhead Fcair Waeather Azhead
rair 3eather qhead rFair 3Weather qAhead Frair W3eather Aqhead gair deather shead gFair dWeather sAhead Fgair Wdeather Ashead
tair eeather whead tFair eWeather wAhead Ftair Weeather Awhead vair seather xhead vFair sWeather xAhead Fvair Wseather Axhead
dair 2eather Ahhead dFair 2Weather Aead Fdair W2eather Aehad Faair qeather Ajead Fir qWeather Ajhead Fiar Wqeather Ahjead
Fzir Auead Fzair Wather Auhead Fazir Waether Ahuead Fqir Wsather Anead Fqair Anhead Faqir Wesather Ahnead
Fsir W3ather Abead Fsair Abhead Fasir We3ather Ahbead Fwir Wfather Agead Fwair Wfeather Aghead Fawir Wefather Ahgead
Fxir Wrather Ayead Fxair Wreather Ayhead Faxir Werather Ahyead Faiir W4ather Aheead Far W4eather Ahad Fari We4ather Ahaed
Fajr Wdather Ahsad Fajir Ahsead Faijr Wedather Ahesad Fa9r Wwather Ah3ad Fa9ir Wweather Ah3ead Fai9r Wewather Ahe3ad
Falr Weaather Ahfad Falir Wether Ahfead Failr Wetaher Ahefad Faor Wezther Ahrad Faoir Wezather Ahread Faior Weazther Aherad
Fakr Weqther Ah4ad Fakir Weqather Ah4ead Faikr Weaqther Ahe4ad Fa8r Westher Ahdad Fa8ir Ahdead Fai8r Weasther Ahedad
Faur Wewther Ahwad Fauir Ahwead Faiur Weawther Ahewad Fairr Wexther Aheaad Fai Wexather Ahed Fair Weaxther Aheda
Faid Weatther Ahezd Faidr Weaher Ahezad Faird Weahter Aheazd Fai4 Weafher Aheqd Fai4r Weafther Aheqad Fair4 Weatfher Aheaqd
Faig Wea5her Ahesd

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