Iris Dement
Fill My Way With Love

Let me walk, blessed Lord, in the way Thou hast gone,

Leading straight to the land above;

Giving cheer everywhere to the sad and the lone,

Fill my way every day with love.


Fill my way every day with love,

As I walk with the heav'nly Dove;

Let me go all the while with a song and a smile,

Fill my way every day with love.

Keep me close to the side of my Saviour and guide,

Let me never in darkness rove;

Keep my path free from wrath and my soul satisfied,

Fill my way every day with love.


Fill my way every day with love,

As I walk with the heav'nly Dove;

Let me go all the while with a song and a smile,

Fill my way every day with love.

Soon this race will be o'er and I'll travel no more,

But abide in my home above;

Let me sing, blessed King, all the way to that shore,

Fill my way every day with love.


Fill my way every day with love,

As I walk with the heav'nly Dove;

Let me go all the while with a song and a smile,

Fill my way every day with love.

Mirror lyrics:

Fill my way every day with love.

Let me go all the while with a song and a smile,

As I walk with the heav'nly Dove;

Fill my way every day with love,


Fill my way every day with love.

Let me sing, blessed King, all the way to that shore,

But abide in my home above;

Soon this race will be o'er and I'll travel no more,

Fill my way every day with love.

Let me go all the while with a song and a smile,

As I walk with the heav'nly Dove;

Fill my way every day with love,


Fill my way every day with love.

Keep my path free from wrath and my soul satisfied,

Let me never in darkness rove;

Keep me close to the side of my Saviour and guide,

Fill my way every day with love.

Let me go all the while with a song and a smile,

As I walk with the heav'nly Dove;

Fill my way every day with love,


Fill my way every day with love.

Giving cheer everywhere to the sad and the lone,

Leading straight to the land above;

Let me walk, blessed Lord, in the way Thou hast gone,

Relevant Tags:
FFill MMy WWay WWith LLove ill y ay ith ove iFll yM aWy iWth oLve cill jy aay aith kove cFill jMy aWay aWith kLove Fcill Mjy Waay Waith Lkove
rill ky 3ay 3ith oove rFill kMy 3Way 3With oLove Frill Mky W3ay W3ith Loove gill ny day dith pove gFill nMy dWay dWith pLove Fgill Mny Wday Wdith Lpove
till Myy eay eith tFill M eWay eWith Lve Ftill My Weay Weith Lvoe vill Mg say sith Lkve vFill Mgy sWay sWith Fvill Myg Wsay Wsith Lokve
dill Mh 2ay 2ith L9ve dFill Mhy 2Way 2With L9ove Fdill Myh W2ay W2ith Lo9ve Fiill M6 qay qith L0ve Fll M6y qWay qWith L0ove Flil My6 Wqay Wqith Lo0ve
Fjll Mu Wiith Llve Fjill Muy Wy Wth Llove Fijll Myu Wya Wtih Lolve F9ll M7 Wzy Wjth Live F9ill M7y Wzay Wjith Liove Fi9ll My7 Wazy Wijth Loive
Flll Mj Wqy W9th Lovve Flill W9ith Loe Filll Myj Waqy Wi9th Loev Foll Mt Wsy Wlth Lobe Foill Mty Wlith Lobve Fioll Myt Wasy Wilth Lovbe
Fkll Wwy Woth Loce Fkill Wway Woith Locve Fikll Wawy Wioth Lovce F8ll Wxy Wkth Loge F8ill Wxay Wkith Logve Fi8ll Waxy Wikth Lovge
Full Wayy W8th Lofe Fuill Wa W8ith Lofve Fiull Way Wi8th Lovfe

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