Iris Dement
Hide Thou Me

Sometimes I feel discouraged

And I think my works in vain

I'm tempted oft(en) to murmur

To grumble and complain

But then I think of Jesus

And all he's borne for me

Then I cry

Oh rock of ages

Hide thou me

Ohh rock of ages

Hide thou me

Ohh rock of ages

Hide thou me

No other refuge

Can save but thee

Through this old world

I've wandered so far, far from thee

Then I cry

Ooh rock of ages

Hide thou me

Ooh rock of ages

Hide thou me

No other refuge

Can save but thee

Through this old world

I've wandered so far, far from thee

Then I cry

Ooh rock of ages

Hide thou me

Mirror lyrics:

Hide thou me

Ooh rock of ages

Then I cry

I've wandered so far, far from thee

Through this old world

Can save but thee

No other refuge

Hide thou me

Ooh rock of ages

Hide thou me

Ooh rock of ages

Then I cry

I've wandered so far, far from thee

Through this old world

Can save but thee

No other refuge

Hide thou me

Ohh rock of ages

Hide thou me

Ohh rock of ages

Hide thou me

Oh rock of ages

Then I cry

And all he's borne for me

But then I think of Jesus

To grumble and complain

I'm tempted oft(en) to murmur

And I think my works in vain

Sometimes I feel discouraged

Relevant Tags:
HHide TThou MMe ide hou e iHde hTou eM jide fhou je jHide fThou jMe Hjide Tfhou Mje uide 5hou ke uHide 5Thou kMe Huide T5hou Mke
nide hhou ne nHide hThou nMe Hnide Thhou Mne bide yhou Mee bHide yThou M Hbide Tyhou Me gide 6hou Ms gHide 6Thou Mse Hgide T6hou Mes
yide ghou M3 yHide gThou M3e Hyide Tghou Me3 Hiide rhou Mf Hde rThou Mfe Hdie Trhou Mef Hjde Mr Tou Mre Hijde Tohu Mer
H9de Tjou M4 H9ide Tjhou M4e Hi9de Thjou Me4 Hlde Tuou Md Hlide Tuhou Mde Hilde Thuou Med Hode Tnou Mw Hoide Tnhou Mwe Hiode Thnou Mew
Hkde Tbou Hkide Tbhou Hikde Thbou H8de Tgou H8ide Hi8de Thgou

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