Imperial Teen
Year Of The Tan

[Will's vocal]
I can shake a stick at all the living
Got two holes in my hands
It's not enough to feed a nation
I'm not just another fan
I see you looking at the living
Put it back in your pants
Do you need an invitation?
Mr. Wagon meet the band
I gotta dance
Shaking hips for a living
It's the year of the tan
Another Jagger imitation
Doing Liza as a man
No more waiting, time for living
Drinking wine in a can
It's my latest incarnation
Sweaty tickets in my hand

[Lynn's vocal]
Hey wait a minute
I think I need a sec
I just wanna sit right here
I don't feel so good in this dress
Take a minute take a look at me
Tell me, tell me what you think you see
Do I give off a bubble effect?
Think I need another cigarette
Don't wanna
Take it easy
I don't wanna dance
Maybe later I'll be feeling good
Maybe greater than I thought I could
Something subtle gets me something sweet
Time with me isn't a two way street
Buying into the beauty myth
Telling everything, I'll take the fifth
Let it out and let me live it up
This isn't fun, I think I'll give it up
I don't wanna
Take it easy I don't wanna dance
Don't wanna
Sit down here and watch me eat to the beat
Maybe later I'll be feeling good
Maybe greater than I thought I could
Possibilities I can't ignore
C'mon baby let's get on the floor

Mirror lyrics:

C'mon baby let's get on the floor
Possibilities I can't ignore
Maybe greater than I thought I could
Maybe later I'll be feeling good
Sit down here and watch me eat to the beat
Don't wanna
Take it easy I don't wanna dance
I don't wanna
This isn't fun, I think I'll give it up
Let it out and let me live it up
Telling everything, I'll take the fifth
Buying into the beauty myth
Time with me isn't a two way street
Something subtle gets me something sweet
Maybe greater than I thought I could
Maybe later I'll be feeling good
I don't wanna dance
Take it easy
Don't wanna
Think I need another cigarette
Do I give off a bubble effect?
Tell me, tell me what you think you see
Take a minute take a look at me
I don't feel so good in this dress
I just wanna sit right here
I think I need a sec
Hey wait a minute
[Lynn's vocal]

Sweaty tickets in my hand
It's my latest incarnation
Drinking wine in a can
No more waiting, time for living
Doing Liza as a man
Another Jagger imitation
It's the year of the tan
Shaking hips for a living
I gotta dance
Mr. Wagon meet the band
Do you need an invitation?
Put it back in your pants
I see you looking at the living
I'm not just another fan
It's not enough to feed a nation
Got two holes in my hands
I can shake a stick at all the living
[Will's vocal]

Relevant Tags:
YYear OOf TThe TTan ear f he an eYar fO hTe aTn gear kf fhe fan gYear kOf fThe fTan Ygear Okf Tfhe Tfan hear 9f 5he 5an
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Ysear Ogf Tjhe Tzan Yesar Ofg Thje Tazn Y3ar Ot Tue Tqn Y3ear Otf Tuhe Tqan Ye3ar Oft Thue Taqn Yfar Ov Tne Tsn Yfear Ovf Tnhe Tsan
Yefar Ofv Thne Tasn Yrar Od Tbe Twn Yrear Odf Tbhe Twan Yerar Ofd Thbe Tawn Y4ar Tge Txn Y4ear Txan Ye4ar Thge Taxn
Ydar Tye Tann Ydear Ta

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