In The Woods
Path Of The Righteous

It cuts me like a razor
I am feeling cold as ice
Deep into the brain I can see
The skin of an old man
I am trying to understand
These strange eyes
End the voices in my head
Your arrows have touched me
Your right hand is too heavy on me
Because you are punished
You're indignant
There is nothing fresh on my body
Bleeding wounds are killing me

Release me from my hate
End, show me the way
Out of this pain
In the shadow of your wings
I seek humankind shelter
I can see the earth
I can see the sun
Everything is clear in my heart
I can see the moon
I can see the son
Everything is clear in my world

Mirror lyrics:

Everything is clear in my world
I can see the son
I can see the moon
Everything is clear in my heart
I can see the sun
I can see the earth
I seek humankind shelter
In the shadow of your wings
Out of this pain
End, show me the way
Release me from my hate

Bleeding wounds are killing me
There is nothing fresh on my body
You're indignant
Because you are punished
Your right hand is too heavy on me
Your arrows have touched me
End the voices in my head
These strange eyes
I am trying to understand
The skin of an old man
Deep into the brain I can see
I am feeling cold as ice
It cuts me like a razor

Relevant Tags:
PPath OOf TThe RRighteous ath f he ighteous aPth fO hTe iRghteous 0ath kf fhe dighteous 0Path kOf fThe dRighteous P0ath Okf Tfhe Rdighteous
lath 9f 5he 4ighteous lPath 9Of 5The 4Righteous Plath O9f T5he R4ighteous oath 0f hhe gighteous oPath 0Of hThe gRighteous Poath O0f Thhe Rgighteous
Paath lf yhe tighteous Pth lOf yThe tRighteous Ptah Olf Tyhe Rtighteous Pzth if 6he 5ighteous Pzath iOf 6The 5Righteous Pazth Oif T6he R5ighteous
Pqth Off ghe fighteous Pqath O gThe fRighteous Paqth Of Tghe Rfighteous Psth Oc rhe eighteous Psath Ocf rThe eRighteous Pasth Ofc Trhe Reighteous
Pwth Or Riighteous Pwath Orf Te Rghteous Pawth Ofr Teh Rgihteous Pxth Og Tje Rjghteous Pxath Ogf Tjhe Rjighteous Paxth Ofg Thje Rijghteous
Patth Ot Tue R9ghteous Pah Otf Tuhe R9ighteous Paht Oft Thue Ri9ghteous Pafh Ov Tne Rlghteous Pafth Ovf Tnhe Rlighteous Patfh Ofv Thne Rilghteous
Pa5h Od Tbe Roghteous Pa5th Odf Tbhe Roighteous Pat5h Ofd Thbe Rioghteous Pahh Tge Rkghteous Pahth Rkighteous Pathh Thge Rikghteous
Payh Tye R8ghteous Payth R8ighteous Patyh Thye Ri8ghteous Pa6h Thee Rughteous Pa6th Th Ruighteous Pat6h The Riughteous
Pagh Ths Rigghteous Pagth Thse Rihteous Patgh Thes Rihgteous Parh Th3 Rihhteous Parth Th3e Rihghteous Patrh The3 Righhteous
Thf Riyhteous Pat Thfe Riyghteous Path Thef Rigyhteous Patj Thr Ribhteous Patjh Thre Ribghteous Pathj Ther Rigbhteous
Patu Th4 Rivhteous Patuh Th4e Rivghteous Pathu The4 Rigvhteous Patn Thd Rifhteous Patnh Thde Rifghteous Pathn Thed Rigfhteous
Patb Thw Rithteous Patbh Thwe Ritghteous Pathb Thew Rigthteous Patg Rigteous Pathg Rigtheous
Paty Rigjteous Rigjhteous Pathy Righjteous Riguteous Riguhteous Righuteous
Rignteous Rignhteous Righnteous Rigbteous Righbteous Riggteous
Righgteous Rigyteous Righyteous Rightteous Righeous Righetous
Righfeous Righfteous

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