In Tenebris
Fear To Breathe

I can still feel you here
Traces you left to reappear
I cannot escape this aching dread
Clouds forever drift inside my head
I am still lost for this dream
You will lose too, or so it seems
Nothing left for us in this decay
Nothing left and still you run away

You don't have the will to see
All I hold inside of me
In despair we both will see
Summer gone, I fear to breathe. (some are gone?)
In my heart I keep these things
You know hope and what it brings?
For everything I'll never see
Forever I will fear to breathe
As you turn to walk away
I still know how far we came
Fears I know I must obey
I have not enough for you to blame

And in your eyes, I can see all the fears of my own
Hold out my hands, but it seems you are already gone

Mirror lyrics:

Hold out my hands, but it seems you are already gone
And in your eyes, I can see all the fears of my own

I have not enough for you to blame
Fears I know I must obey
I still know how far we came
As you turn to walk away
Forever I will fear to breathe
For everything I'll never see
You know hope and what it brings?
In my heart I keep these things
Summer gone, I fear to breathe. (some are gone?)
In despair we both will see
All I hold inside of me
You don't have the will to see

Nothing left and still you run away
Nothing left for us in this decay
You will lose too, or so it seems
I am still lost for this dream
Clouds forever drift inside my head
I cannot escape this aching dread
Traces you left to reappear
I can still feel you here

Relevant Tags:
FFear TTo BBreathe ear o reathe eFar oT rBeathe cear fo vreathe cFear fTo vBreathe Fcear Tfo Bvreathe rear 5o greathe
rFear 5To gBreathe Frear T5o Bgreathe gear ho nreathe gFear hTo nBreathe Fgear Tho Bnreathe tear yo hreathe tFear yTo hBreathe
Ftear Tyo Bhreathe vear 6o Brreathe vFear 6To Beathe Fvear T6o Berathe dear go Bdeathe dFear gTo Bdreathe Fdear Tgo Brdeathe
Feear ro B4eathe Far rTo B4reathe Faer Tro Br4eathe Fsar Too Bgeathe Fsear T Fesar To Brgeathe F3ar Tk Bteathe
F3ear Tko Btreathe Fe3ar Tok Brteathe Ffar T9 B5eathe Ffear T9o B5reathe Fefar To9 Br5eathe Frar T0 Bfeathe T0o Bfreathe
Ferar To0 Brfeathe F4ar Tl Beeathe F4ear Tlo Bereathe Fe4ar Tol Breeathe Fdar Ti Tio Brathe Fedar Toi Braethe
Fwar Brsathe Fwear Brseathe Fewar Bresathe Feaar Br3athe Fer Br3eathe Fera Bre3athe Fezr Brfathe
Fezar Feazr Brefathe Feqr Brrathe Feqar Feaqr Brerathe Fesr Br4athe Feasr Bre4athe
Fewr Brdathe Feawr Bredathe Fexr Brwathe Fexar Brweathe Feaxr Brewathe Fearr Breaathe Fea Brethe
Fear Bretahe Fead Brezthe Feadr Brezathe Feard Breazthe Fea4 Breqthe

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