In Strict Confidence
The Truth Inside Of Me

feel the things i do
i transfer my dreams to you
a journey through your mind
logical explanations hard to find

develop your own identity
to get back into reality
feel your dreams come true
i will become a part of you

i wish you could get
the false of hate and regret
i wish you could see
the truth inside of me

remember all the things you did
more strange feelings hard to hit
frightening memories of a kind
another journey through your mind

can't you hold my hands,
become much more like friends
i open up my arms for you
just a tiny small thing to do


go to

Mirror lyrics:

go to


just a tiny small thing to do
i open up my arms for you
become much more like friends
can't you hold my hands,

another journey through your mind
frightening memories of a kind
more strange feelings hard to hit
remember all the things you did

the truth inside of me
i wish you could see
the false of hate and regret
i wish you could get

i will become a part of you
feel your dreams come true
to get back into reality
develop your own identity

logical explanations hard to find
a journey through your mind
i transfer my dreams to you
feel the things i do

Relevant Tags:
TThe TTruth IInside OOf MMe he ruth nside f e hTe rTuth nIside fO eM fhe fruth jnside kf je fThe fTruth jInside kOf jMe Tfhe Tfruth Ijnside Okf Mje
5he 5ruth 9nside 9f ke 5The 5Truth 9Inside 9Of kMe T5he T5ruth I9nside O9f Mke hhe hruth lnside 0f ne hThe hTruth lInside 0Of nMe Thhe Thruth Ilnside O0f Mne
yhe yruth onside lf Mee yThe yTruth oInside lOf M Tyhe Tyruth Ionside Olf Me 6he 6ruth knside if Ms 6The 6Truth kInside iOf Mse T6he T6ruth Iknside Oif Mes
ghe gruth 8nside Off M3 gThe gTruth 8Inside O M3e Tghe Tgruth I8nside Of Me3 rhe rruth unside Oc Mf rThe rTruth uInside Ocf Mfe Trhe Trruth Iunside Ofc Mef
Innside Or Mr Te Tuth Iside Orf Mre Teh Turth Isnide Ofr Mer Tje Tduth Imside Og M4 Tjhe Tdruth Imnside Ogf M4e Thje Trduth Inmside Ofg Me4
Tue T4uth Ihside Ot Md Tuhe T4ruth Ihnside Otf Mde Thue Tr4uth Inhside Oft Med Tne Tguth Ijside Ov Mw Tnhe Ovf Mwe Thne Trguth Injside Ofv Mew
Tbe Ttuth Ibside Od Tbhe Ttruth Ibnside Odf Thbe Trtuth Inbside Ofd Tge T5uth Insside Inide Thge Tr5uth Inisde
Tye Tfuth Inzide Inzside Thye Trfuth Inszide Thee Teuth Inwide Th Teruth Inwside The Treuth Inswide
Ths Truuth Indide Thse Trth Indside Thes Trtuh Insdide Th3 Trhth Ineide Th3e Trhuth Ineside The3 Truhth Inseide
Thf Tr7th Inxide Thfe Tr7uth Inxside Thef Tru7th Insxide Thr Trkth Inaide Thre Trkuth Inaside Ther Trukth Insaide
Th4 Trith Insiide Th4e Triuth Insde

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