In Strict Confidence
Change My Vein

change my vein
i want another world
open the valve
burn my candle
at both ends

banish me i will supress
bend my brain
i´ll do the crime
without suspicion

burn down my soul

you are the stairway
you are the abyss
i am the impression of circling pitfall

change my vein!

Take my dreams
I won´t be angry
It doesn´t matter anyway
They are incomplete
i wouldn´t understand

take my tears it won´t have reason
my soul is gripped
you can deliver
from my pain
change my vein

Mirror lyrics:

change my vein
from my pain
you can deliver
my soul is gripped
take my tears it won´t have reason

i wouldn´t understand
They are incomplete
It doesn´t matter anyway
I won´t be angry
Take my dreams

change my vein!

i am the impression of circling pitfall
you are the abyss
you are the stairway

burn down my soul

without suspicion
i´ll do the crime
bend my brain
banish me i will supress

at both ends
burn my candle
open the valve
i want another world
change my vein

Relevant Tags:
CChange MMy VVein hange y ein hCange yM eVin fhange jy bein fChange jMy bVein Cfhange Mjy Vbein xhange ky cein xChange kMy cVein
Cxhange Mky Vcein vhange ny gein vChange nMy gVein Cvhange Mny Vgein dhange Myy fein dChange M fVein Cdhange My Vfein Chhange Mg Veein
Cange Mgy Vin Cahnge Myg Vien Cjange Mh Vsin Cjhange Mhy Vsein Chjange Myh Vesin Cuange M6 V3in Cuhange M6y V3ein Chuange My6 Ve3in
Cnange Mu Vfin Cnhange Muy Chnange Myu Vefin Cbange M7 Vrin Cbhange M7y Vrein Chbange My7 Verin Cgange Mj V4in Cghange V4ein
Chgange Myj Ve4in Cyange Mt Vdin Cyhange Mty Vdein Chyange Myt Vedin Chaange Vwin Chnge Vwein Chnage Vewin Chznge Veiin
Chzange Ven Chaznge Veni Chqnge Vejn Chqange Vejin Chaqnge Veijn Chsnge Ve9n Chsange Ve9in Chasnge Vei9n
Chwnge Veln Chwange Velin Chawnge Veiln Chxnge Veon Chxange Veoin Chaxnge Veion Channge Vekn Chage Vekin

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