In Flames
My Wound Is Deeper Than Yours

Do angels fly higher in the dark?

Black is my mind when a new day has come
Black are the tears when I cry
Come here and take my hand, join this misery
The fallen angel set us free

Do angels fly higher in the dark?
Do they crash down and fall apart?

Let's cut the wings away
and the angel has fallen again
Together in eternal flames
Where the cold razor cares


[OH OH OH OH OH thing]

I do not care if you want to hurt me
Torture is ecstasy to me
You cut my wounds so deep, even deeper than your's
Like fallen angel without remorse


Mirror lyrics:


Like fallen angel without remorse
You cut my wounds so deep, even deeper than your's
Torture is ecstasy to me
I do not care if you want to hurt me

[OH OH OH OH OH thing]


Where the cold razor cares
Together in eternal flames
and the angel has fallen again
Let's cut the wings away

Do they crash down and fall apart?
Do angels fly higher in the dark?

The fallen angel set us free
Come here and take my hand, join this misery
Black are the tears when I cry
Black is my mind when a new day has come

Do angels fly higher in the dark?

Relevant Tags:
MMy WWound IIs DDeeper TThan YYours y ound s eeper han ours yM oWund sI eDeper hTan oYurs jy aound js xeeper fhan gours jMy aWound jIs xDeeper fThan gYours
Mjy Waound Ijs Dxeeper Tfhan Ygours ky 3ound 9s eeeper 5han hours kMy 3Wound 9Is eDeeper 5Than hYours Mky W3ound I9s Deeeper T5han Yhours ny dound ls feeper hhan 6ours
nMy dWound lIs fDeeper hThan 6Yours Mny Wdound Ils Dfeeper Thhan Y6ours Myy eound os reeper yhan uours M eWound oIs rDeeper yThan uYours My Weound Ios Dreeper Tyhan Yuours
Mg sound ks ceeper 6han 7ours Mgy sWound kIs cDeeper 6Than 7Yours Myg Wsound Iks Dceeper T6han Y7ours Mh 2ound 8s seeper ghan jours Mhy 2Wound 8Is sDeeper gThan jYours
Myh W2ound I8s Dseeper Tghan Yjours M6 qound us rhan tours M6y qWound uIs Deper rThan tYours My6 Wqound Ius Deeper Trhan Ytours Mu Woound Iss Dseper Yoours
Muy Wund I Tan Yurs Myu Wuond Is Deseper Tahn Yuors M7 Wkund Iz D3eper Tjan Ykurs M7y Wkound Izs D3eeper Tjhan Ykours My7 Wokund Isz De3eper Thjan Yokurs
Mj W9und Iw Dfeper Tuan Y9urs W9ound Iws Tuhan Y9ours Myj Wo9und Isw Defeper Thuan Yo9urs Mt W0und Id Dreper Tnan Y0urs Mty W0ound Ids Tnhan Y0ours
Myt Wo0und Isd Dereper Thnan Yo0urs Wlund Ie D4eper Tban Ylurs Wlound Ies D4eeper Tbhan Ylours Wolund Ise De4eper Thban Yolurs Wiund Ix Ddeper Tgan Yiurs
Wiound Ixs Ddeeper Yiours Woiund Isx Dedeper Thgan Yoiurs Wouund Ia Dweper Tyan Youurs Wond Ias Dweeper Yors Wonud Isa Deweper Thyan Yorus
Wohnd Thaan Yohrs Wohund Thn Yohurs Wouhnd Depeer Thna Youhrs Wo7nd Desper Thzn Yo7rs Wo7und Thzan Yo7urs
Wou7nd Deesper Thazn You7rs Woknd De3per Thqn Yokrs Thqan Wouknd Dee3per Thaqn Youkrs Woind Defper Thsn Yoirs

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