In Flames
Discover Me Like Emptiness [bonus Track]

I run this world alone
A song stuck in my mind
Are you feeling alright?
Don't mind if you ask me once

Discover me like emptiness
A defense for a broken heart
Still offers a smile to the world betrayed...

Always close to the drop
Disapear with yesterday
Cure this dream that makes me fall

Blame me...
Escape me...
As you walked away
Tie me...
For my sake
To the dream that haunts you

Could never stand the middle
Want to go far and further
But something drags me down
Shapes me...
Forms me...
Into dillusion

Always close to the drop
Disapear with yesterday
Cure this dream that makes me fall

Blame me...
Escape me...
As you walked away
Tie me...
For my sake
To the dream that haunts you

As I bank other options
Make this picture distant
Signing off
Leave me alone
I blur you into the never...

Always close to the drop
Disapear with yesterday
Cure this dream that makes me fall

Blame me...
Escape me...
As you walked away
Tie me...
For my sake
To the dream that haunts you

Mirror lyrics:

To the dream that haunts you
For my sake
Tie me...
As you walked away
Escape me...
Blame me...

Cure this dream that makes me fall
Disapear with yesterday
Always close to the drop

I blur you into the never...
Leave me alone
Signing off
Make this picture distant
As I bank other options

To the dream that haunts you
For my sake
Tie me...
As you walked away
Escape me...
Blame me...

Cure this dream that makes me fall
Disapear with yesterday
Always close to the drop

Into dillusion
Forms me...
Shapes me...
But something drags me down
Want to go far and further
Could never stand the middle

To the dream that haunts you
For my sake
Tie me...
As you walked away
Escape me...
Blame me...

Cure this dream that makes me fall
Disapear with yesterday
Always close to the drop

Still offers a smile to the world betrayed...
A defense for a broken heart
Discover me like emptiness

Don't mind if you ask me once
Are you feeling alright?
A song stuck in my mind
I run this world alone

Relevant Tags:
DDiscover MMe LLike EEmptiness [[bonus TTrack] iscover e ike mptiness bonus rack] iDscover eM iLke mEptiness b[onus rTack]
xiscover je kike smptiness [bbonus frack] xDiscover jMe kLike sEmptiness [onus fTrack] Dxiscover Mje Lkike Esmptiness [obnus Tfrack]
eiscover ke oike 3mptiness [vonus 5rack] eDiscover kMe oLike 3Emptiness [vbonus 5Track] Deiscover Mke Loike E3mptiness [bvonus T5rack]
fiscover ne pike fmptiness [gonus hrack] fDiscover nMe pLike fEmptiness [gbonus hTrack] Dfiscover Mne Lpike Efmptiness [bgonus Thrack]
riscover Mee Liike rmptiness [nonus yrack] rDiscover M Lke rEmptiness [nbonus yTrack] Driscover Me Lkie Ermptiness [bnonus Tyrack]
ciscover Ms Ljke 4mptiness [honus 6rack] cDiscover Mse Ljike 4Emptiness [hbonus 6Track] Dciscover Mes Lijke E4mptiness [bhonus T6rack]
siscover M3 L9ke dmptiness [boonus grack] sDiscover M3e L9ike dEmptiness [bnus gTrack] Dsiscover Me3 Li9ke Edmptiness [bnous Tgrack]
Diiscover Mf Llke wmptiness [bknus rrack] Dscover Mfe Llike wEmptiness [bkonus rTrack] Dsicover Mef Lilke Ewmptiness [boknus Trrack]
Djscover Mr Loke Emmptiness [b9nus Djiscover Mre Eptiness [b9onus Tack] Dijscover Mer Lioke Epmtiness [bo9nus Tarck]
D9scover M4 Lkke Ejptiness [b0nus Tdack] D9iscover M4e Ejmptiness [b0onus Tdrack] Di9scover Me4 Likke Emjptiness [bo0nus Trdack]
Dlscover Md L8ke Ekptiness [blnus T4ack] Dliscover Mde L8ike Ekmptiness [blonus T4rack] Dilscover Med Li8ke Emkptiness [bolnus Tr4ack]
Doscover Mw Luke Enptiness [binus Tgack] Doiscover Mwe Luike Enmptiness [bionus Dioscover Mew Liuke Emnptiness [boinus Trgack]
Dkscover Empptiness [bonnus Ttack] Dkiscover Lie Emtiness [bous Ttrack] Dikscover Liek Emtpiness [bouns Trtack]
D8scover Lile Em0tiness [bomus T5ack] D8iscover Em0ptiness [bomnus Di8scover Likle Emp0tiness [bonmus Tr5ack]
Duscover Lioe Emltiness [bohus Tfack] Duiscover Emlptiness [bohnus Diuscover Likoe Empltiness [bonhus Trfack]
Disscover Lime Emotiness [bojus Teack] Dicover Limke Emoptiness [bojnus Terack] Dicsover Likme Empotiness [bonjus Treack]
Dizcover Lije Empttiness [bobus Traack] Dizscover Empiness [bobnus Trck] Diszcover Likje Empitness [bonbus Trcak]
Diwcover Liie Empfiness [bonuus Trzck] Diwscover Empftiness [bons Trzack] Diswcover Likie Emptfiness [bonsu Trazck]
Didcover Likee Emp5iness [bonhs Trqck] Didscover Lik Emp5tiness Trqack] Disdcover Like Empt5iness [bonuhs Traqck]
Diecover Liks Emphiness [bon7s Trsck] Diescover Likse Emphtiness [bon7us Trsack] Disecover Likes Empthiness [bonu7s Trasck]
Dixcover Lik3 Empyiness [bonks Trwck] Dixscover Lik3e Empytiness [bonkus Trwack] Disxcover Like3 Emptyiness [bonuks Trawck]
Diacover Likf Emp6iness [bonis Trxck] Diascover Likfe Emp6tiness [bonius Trxack] Disacover Likef Empt6iness [bonuis Traxck]
Disccover Likr Empginess [bon8s Tracck] Disover Likre Empgtiness [bon8us Trak] Disocver Liker Emptginess [bonu8s Trakc]
Disfover Lik4 Empriness [bonjs Trafk] Disfcover Lik4e Emprtiness Trafck] Discfover Like4 Emptriness [bonujs Tracfk]
Disxover Likd Emptiiness [bonys Traxk] Likde Emptness [bonyus Discxover Liked Emptniess [bonuys Tracxk]
Disvover Likw Emptjness [bonuss Travk] Disvcover Likwe Emptjiness [bonu Travck] Discvover Likew Emptijness [bonus Tracvk]
Disdover Empt9ness [bonuz Tradk] Empt9iness [bonuzs Tradck] Discdover Empti9ness [bonusz Tracdk]
Discoover Emptlness [bonuw Trackk]

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