In Due Time
The Friend I Should Have Been

one moment gone

a chance I had

to tell you the truth

now it's too late

there's no turning back

from this grave

that surrounds you

I wish I was brave

I wish I was not afraid

of being rejected

for standing up

for what is real

all those times

I had chances

all those times

I wish I could get back

now it's too late for me to be

the friend I'm suppost to be

the friend I should have been

I wish I could go back

I wish I told you the truth

he bled and died for you

I wish I was a better friend

Mirror lyrics:

I wish I was a better friend

he bled and died for you

I wish I told you the truth

I wish I could go back

the friend I should have been

the friend I'm suppost to be

now it's too late for me to be

I wish I could get back

all those times

I had chances

all those times

for what is real

for standing up

of being rejected

I wish I was not afraid

I wish I was brave

that surrounds you

from this grave

there's no turning back

now it's too late

to tell you the truth

a chance I had

one moment gone

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFriend II SShould HHave BBeen he riend hould ave een hTe rFiend I hSould aHve eBen fhe criend j zhould jave veen fThe cFriend jI zShould jHave vBeen
Tfhe Fcriend Ij Szhould Hjave Bveen 5he rriend 9 whould uave geen 5The rFriend 9I wShould uHave gBeen T5he Frriend I9 Swhould Huave Bgeen hhe griend l dhould nave neen
hThe gFriend lI dShould nHave nBeen Thhe Fgriend Il Sdhould Hnave Bneen yhe triend o ehould bave heen yThe tFriend oI eShould bHave hBeen Tyhe Ftriend Io Sehould Hbave Bheen
6he vriend k xhould gave Beeen 6The vFriend kI xShould gHave Ben T6he Fvriend Ik Sxhould Hgave Been ghe driend 8 ahould yave Bsen gThe dFriend 8I aShould yHave Bseen
Tghe Fdriend I8 Sahould Hyave Besen rhe u Shhould Haave B3en rThe Fiend uI Sould Hve B3een Trhe Firend Iu Sohuld Hvae Be3en Fdiend Sjould Hzve Bfen
Te Sjhould Hzave Bfeen Teh Frdiend Shjould Hazve Befen Tje F4iend Suould Hqve Bren Tjhe F4riend Suhould Hqave Breen Thje Fr4iend Shuould Haqve Beren
Tue Fgiend Snould Hsve B4en Tuhe Snhould Hsave B4een Thue Frgiend Shnould Hasve Be4en Tne Ftiend Sbould Hwve Bden Tnhe Sbhould Hwave Bdeen
Thne Frtiend Shbould Hawve Beden Tbe F5iend Sgould Hxve Bwen Tbhe F5riend Sghould Hxave Bween Thbe Fr5iend Shgould Haxve Bewen Tge Ffiend Syould Havve
Ffriend Syhould Hae Thge Frfiend Shyould Haev Bene Tye Feiend Shoould Habe Besn Feriend Shuld Habve Thye Freiend Shuold Havbe Beesn
Thee Friiend Shkuld Hace Be3n Th Frend Shkould Hacve The Freind Shokuld Havce Bee3n Ths Frjend Sh9uld Hage Befn Thse Frjiend Sh9ould Hagve
Thes Frijend Sho9uld Havge Beefn Th3 Fr9end Sh0uld Hafe Bern Th3e Fr9iend Sh0ould Hafve The3 Fri9end Sho0uld Havfe Beern Thf Frlend Shluld Havee Be4n
Thfe Frliend Shlould Hav Thef Frilend Sholuld Have Bee4n Thr Froend Shiuld Havs Bedn Thre Froiend Shiould Havse Ther Frioend Shoiuld Haves Beedn
Th4 Frkend Shouuld Hav3 Bewn Th4e Frkiend Shold Hav3e The4 Frikend Sholud Have3 Beewn

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