Jaci Velasquez
I Don't Need A Man (english)

I don't need a man
To make the call for me
I don't need a man
To break the fall for me
Cause I know who I am
And who I wanna be (Uhmmmm)

There used to be a time
I had to win the race
When just to get the guy
would put me in first place
But now its' time to fly
'Cause I don't need that adoration, validation just to feel alive


Don't get me wrong
I still wanna fall in love real high
If it's real and for the right reasons
and I might long for someone to come and steal my heart
But I don't need a man

I want, might want You
But I don't need you,no


I don't need a man
To wash the car for me
But if you do insist
the honey, take the keys
I hope you understand
That I don't have to have you save me just to make me feel like im alright

(Repeat Chorus)


The road's wide open and I'm in for the ride
Though I'm still hoping
I don't wanna need us to come from the inside

It's amazing times are changing
I'm alone but who's complaining
I don't need no one to be someone
I'm already fine(oh)

(Repeat Chorus)


Don't get me wrong
I still hope it's written in the stars
Cause if it's real I'd be your one and only
It wont be long for someone to come and steal my heart
But I don't need a man

I want, might want You
But I don't need You,no(till fades)

Mirror lyrics:

But I don't need You,no(till fades)
I want, might want You

But I don't need a man
It wont be long for someone to come and steal my heart
Cause if it's real I'd be your one and only
I still hope it's written in the stars
Don't get me wrong


(Repeat Chorus)

I'm already fine(oh)
I don't need no one to be someone
I'm alone but who's complaining
It's amazing times are changing

I don't wanna need us to come from the inside
Though I'm still hoping
The road's wide open and I'm in for the ride


(Repeat Chorus)

That I don't have to have you save me just to make me feel like im alright
I hope you understand
the honey, take the keys
But if you do insist
To wash the car for me
I don't need a man


But I don't need you,no
I want, might want You

But I don't need a man
and I might long for someone to come and steal my heart
If it's real and for the right reasons
I still wanna fall in love real high
Don't get me wrong


'Cause I don't need that adoration, validation just to feel alive
But now its' time to fly
would put me in first place
When just to get the guy
I had to win the race
There used to be a time

And who I wanna be (Uhmmmm)
Cause I know who I am
To break the fall for me
I don't need a man
To make the call for me
I don't need a man

Relevant Tags:
II DDon't NNeed AA MMan ((english) on't eed an english) I oDn't eNed A aMn e(nglish) j xon't meed z jan (eenglish) jI xDon't mNeed zA jMan (nglish)
Ij Dxon't Nmeed Az Mjan (neglish) 9 eon't heed q kan (snglish) 9I eDon't hNeed qA kMan (senglish) I9 Deon't Nheed Aq Mkan (esnglish) l fon't jeed s nan (3nglish)
lI fDon't jNeed sA nMan (3english) Il Dfon't Njeed As Mnan (e3nglish) o ron't beed w Maan (fnglish) oI rDon't bNeed wA Mn (fenglish) Io Dron't Nbeed Aw Mna (efnglish)
k con't Neeed x Mzn (rnglish) kI cDon't Ned xA Mzan (renglish) Ik Dcon't Need Ax Mazn (ernglish) 8 son't Nsed Mqn (4nglish) 8I sDon't Nseed Mqan (4english)
I8 Dson't Nesed Maqn (e4nglish) u Doon't N3ed Msn (dnglish) uI Dn't N3eed Msan (denglish) Iu Dno't Ne3ed Masn (ednglish) Dkn't Nfed Mwn (wnglish)
Dkon't Nfeed Mwan (wenglish) Dokn't Nefed Mawn (ewnglish) D9n't Nred Mxn (ennglish) D9on't Nreed Mxan (eglish) Do9n't Nered Maxn (egnlish)
D0n't N4ed Mann (emglish) D0on't N4eed Ma (emnglish) Do0n't Ne4ed Man (enmglish) Dln't Nded Mam (ehglish) Dlon't Ndeed Mamn (ehnglish)
Doln't Neded Manm (enhglish) Din't Nwed Mah (ejglish) Dion't Nweed Mahn (ejnglish) Doin't Newed Manh (enjglish) Donn't Maj (ebglish)
Do't Majn (ebnglish) Do'nt Nede Manj (enbglish) Dom't Nesd Mab (engglish) Domn't Mabn (enlish) Donm't Neesd Manb (enlgish)
Doh't Ne3d (enhlish) Dohn't Donh't Nee3d (enghlish) Doj't Nefd (enylish) Dojn't (enyglish)
Donj't Neefd (engylish) Dob't Nerd (enblish) Dobn't Donb't Neerd (engblish) Don''t Ne4d (envlish)
Dont (envglish) Dont' Nee4d (engvlish) Don'tt Nedd (enflish) Don' (enfglish) Don't Needd (engflish)
Don'f Newd (entlish) Don'ft (entglish) Don'tf Neewd (engtlish) Don'5 (engllish) Don'5t Nee (engish)
Don't5 (engilsh) Don'h Neex (engkish) Don'ht Neexd (engklish) Don'th Needx (englkish) Don'y Neee (engoish)

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