J.j. Cale
You Got Something

You don't look like my babe
You don't feel quite the same
You don't touch quite like my woman
But you got something I can't explain
The way you wear your clothes, drives me crazy
The way you walk around, just hanging out
I can't stand it, what youre doing
You got something I can't live without
The way you walk around, just hanging out
I can't stand it, what youre doing
You got something I can't live without
You got something I can't live without

Mirror lyrics:

You got something I can't live without
You got something I can't live without
I can't stand it, what youre doing
The way you walk around, just hanging out
You got something I can't live without
I can't stand it, what youre doing
The way you walk around, just hanging out
The way you wear your clothes, drives me crazy
But you got something I can't explain
You don't touch quite like my woman
You don't feel quite the same
You don't look like my babe

Relevant Tags:
YYou GGot SSomething ou ot omething oYu oGt oSmething gou hot zomething gYou hGot zSomething Ygou Ghot Szomething
hou yot womething hYou yGot wSomething Yhou Gyot Swomething 6ou bot domething 6You bGot dSomething Y6ou Gbot Sdomething
uou vot eomething uYou vGot eSomething Yuou Gvot Seomething 7ou fot xomething 7You fGot xSomething Y7ou Gfot Sxomething
jou tot aomething jYou tGot aSomething Yjou Gtot Saomething tou Goot Soomething tYou Gt Smething Ytou Gto Smoething
Yoou Gkt Skmething Yu Gkot Skomething Yuo Gokt Sokmething Yku G9t S9mething Ykou G9ot S9omething Yoku Go9t So9mething
Y9u G0t S0mething Y9ou G0ot S0omething Yo9u Go0t So0mething Y0u Glt Slmething Y0ou Glot Slomething Yo0u Golt Solmething
Ylu Git Simething Ylou Giot Siomething Yolu Goit Soimething Yiu Gott Sommething Yiou Go Soething Yoiu Got Soemthing
Youu Gof Sojething Yo Goft Sojmething You Gotf Somjething Yoh Go5 Sokething Yohu Go5t Youh Got5 Somkething
Yo7 Goh Sonething Yo7u Goht Sonmething You7 Goth Somnething Yok Goy Someething Goyt Somthing Youk Goty Somtehing
Yoi Go6 Somsthing Go6t Somsething Youi Got6 Somesthing Yo8 Gog Som3thing Yo8u Gogt Som3ething You8 Gotg Some3thing
Yoj Gor Somfthing Yoju Gort Somfething Youj Gotr Somefthing Yoy Somrthing Yoyu Somrething Youy Somerthing
Som4thing Som4ething Some4thing Somdthing Somdething Somedthing
Somwthing Somwething Somewthing Sometthing Somehing Somehting
Somefhing Sometfhing Some5hing Some5thing Somet5hing Somehhing

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