Jack Greene
Don't Wake Me I'm Dreaming

It sure is good to be back in your arms again
To be loving you the way I used to do
I knew all along someday your love, I'd win
That time would finally bring me back to you

Don't wake me, I'm dreaming, don't wake me, I'll cry
Let me keep this feeling, don't let my dream world die

Your lips are touching mine the way they used to do
You're saying all the words I wanna hear
I've forgiven you for leavin' with your someone new
And all that matters now is that you're near

Don't wake me, I'm dreaming, don't wake me, I'll cry
Let me keep this feeling, don't let my dream world die
Don't wake me, I'm dreaming don't let my dream world die

Mirror lyrics:

Don't wake me, I'm dreaming don't let my dream world die
Let me keep this feeling, don't let my dream world die
Don't wake me, I'm dreaming, don't wake me, I'll cry

And all that matters now is that you're near
I've forgiven you for leavin' with your someone new
You're saying all the words I wanna hear
Your lips are touching mine the way they used to do

Let me keep this feeling, don't let my dream world die
Don't wake me, I'm dreaming, don't wake me, I'll cry

That time would finally bring me back to you
I knew all along someday your love, I'd win
To be loving you the way I used to do
It sure is good to be back in your arms again

Relevant Tags:
DDon't WWake MMe II'm DDreaming on't ake e 'm reaming oDn't aWke eM 'Im rDeaming xon't aake je j'm xreaming xDon't aWake jMe jI'm xDreaming
Dxon't Waake Mje Ij'm Dxreaming eon't 3ake ke 9'm ereaming eDon't 3Wake kMe 9I'm eDreaming Deon't W3ake Mke I9'm Dereaming fon't dake ne l'm freaming
fDon't dWake nMe lI'm fDreaming Dfon't Wdake Mne Il'm Dfreaming ron't eake Mee o'm rreaming rDon't eWake M oI'm rDreaming Dron't Weake Me Io'm Drreaming
con't sake Ms k'm creaming cDon't sWake Mse kI'm cDreaming Dcon't Wsake Mes Ik'm Dcreaming son't 2ake M3 8'm sreaming sDon't 2Wake M3e 8I'm sDreaming
Dson't W2ake Me3 I8'm Dsreaming Doon't qake Mf u'm Dn't qWake Mfe uI'm Deaming Dno't Wqake Mef Iu'm Deraming Dkn't Mr I''m Ddeaming
Dkon't Wke Mre Im Ddreaming Dokn't Wkae Mer Im' Drdeaming D9n't Wzke M4 I'mm D4eaming D9on't Wzake M4e I' D4reaming Do9n't Wazke Me4 I'm Dr4eaming
D0n't Wqke Md I'j Dgeaming D0on't Mde I'jm Dgreaming Do0n't Waqke Med I'mj Drgeaming Dln't Wske Mw I'k Dteaming Dlon't Mwe I'km Dtreaming
Doln't Waske Mew I'mk Drteaming Din't Wwke I'n D5eaming Dion't Wwake I'nm D5reaming Doin't Wawke I'mn Dr5eaming Donn't Wxke Dfeaming
Do't Wxake Do'nt Waxke Drfeaming Dom't Wakke Deeaming Domn't Wae Donm't Waek Dreeaming
Doh't Wale Dohn't Walke Draming Donh't Wakle Draeming Doj't Waoe Drsaming Dojn't Waoke Drseaming
Donj't Wakoe Dresaming Dob't Wame Dr3aming Dobn't Wamke Dr3eaming Donb't Wakme Dre3aming Don''t Waje Drfaming
Dont Wajke Dont' Wakje Drefaming Don'tt Waie Drraming Don' Waike Don't Wakie Dreraming
Don'f Wakee Dr4aming Don'ft Wak Don'tf Wake Dre4aming Don'5 Waks Drdaming Don'5t Wakse
Don't5 Wakes Dredaming Don'h Wak3 Drwaming Don'ht Wak3e Drweaming Don'th Wake3 Drewaming Don'y Wakf Dreaaming
Don'yt Wakfe Dreming Don'ty Wakef Dremaing

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