Jack Greene
Hardest Easy Thing

I listened when they said bad things about you
And when they told me I should leave you on the wrong
And they said just walk right out there's nothing to it
But it's the hardest easy thing I've ever done
It seems some poeple have no feelings at all
For them to break a heart is some sorta fun
Well I'm afraid that's not my way of thinking at all
Cause it's the hardest easy thing I've ever done
[ steel ]
Ever since I left blue tears have fallen
My friends say just forget her dry your eyes
And it sounds so simple when I hear them say it
But it's the hardest easy thing I've ever tried
It seems some poeple...
Yes it's the hardest easy thing I've ever done

Mirror lyrics:

Yes it's the hardest easy thing I've ever done
It seems some poeple...
But it's the hardest easy thing I've ever tried
And it sounds so simple when I hear them say it
My friends say just forget her dry your eyes
Ever since I left blue tears have fallen
[ steel ]
Cause it's the hardest easy thing I've ever done
Well I'm afraid that's not my way of thinking at all
For them to break a heart is some sorta fun
It seems some poeple have no feelings at all
But it's the hardest easy thing I've ever done
And they said just walk right out there's nothing to it
And when they told me I should leave you on the wrong
I listened when they said bad things about you

Relevant Tags:
HHardest EEasy TThing ardest asy hing aHrdest aEsy hTing jardest sasy fhing jHardest sEasy fThing Hjardest Esasy Tfhing
uardest 3asy 5hing uHardest 3Easy 5Thing Huardest E3asy T5hing nardest fasy hhing nHardest fEasy hThing Hnardest Efasy Thhing
bardest rasy yhing bHardest rEasy yThing Hbardest Erasy Tyhing gardest 4asy 6hing gHardest 4Easy 6Thing Hgardest E4asy T6hing
yardest dasy ghing yHardest dEasy gThing Hyardest Edasy Tghing Haardest wasy rhing Hrdest wEasy rThing Hradest Ewasy Trhing
Hzrdest Eaasy Hzardest Esy Ting Hazrdest Esay Tihng Hqrdest Ezsy Tjing Hqardest Ezasy Tjhing Haqrdest Eazsy Thjing
Hsrdest Eqsy Tuing Hsardest Eqasy Tuhing Hasrdest Eaqsy Thuing Hwrdest Essy Tning Hwardest Tnhing Hawrdest Eassy Thning
Hxrdest Ewsy Tbing Hxardest Tbhing Haxrdest Eawsy Thbing Harrdest Exsy Tging Hadest Exasy Hadrest Eaxsy Thging
Haddest Tying Hadrdest Eay Harddest Eays Thying Ha4dest Eazy Thiing Ha4rdest Thng Har4dest Easzy Thnig
Hagdest Eawy Thjng Hagrdest Hargdest Easwy Thijng Hatdest Eady Th9ng Hatrdest Eadsy Th9ing Hartdest Easdy Thi9ng
Ha5dest Eaey Thlng Ha5rdest Eaesy Thling Har5dest Easey Thilng Hafdest Eaxy Thong Hafrdest Thoing Harfdest Easxy Thiong
Haedest Eaay Thkng Haerdest Thking Haredest Easay Thikng Easyy Th8ng Harest Eas Th8ing Haredst Easy Thi8ng
Harxest Easg Thung Harxdest Easgy Hardxest Easyg Thiung Hareest Eash Thinng

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