Jack Greene
That's What I Tell Myself

I don't love you anymore that's what I tell myself
I don't need you anymore that's what I tell myself
If you leave me I don't care I'll find somebody else
Someone truer more than you were that's what I tell myself
If you will look into my eyes you'll see I'm lying
lying to you to keep from crying
But I know I'll get along that's what I tell myself
I won't even know you're gone that's what I tell myself
And somewhere along the way I'll find somebody else
Someone truer more than you were that's what I tell myself
[ guitar ]
Someone truer more than you were that's what I tell myself

Mirror lyrics:

Someone truer more than you were that's what I tell myself
[ guitar ]
Someone truer more than you were that's what I tell myself
And somewhere along the way I'll find somebody else
I won't even know you're gone that's what I tell myself
But I know I'll get along that's what I tell myself
lying to you to keep from crying
If you will look into my eyes you'll see I'm lying
Someone truer more than you were that's what I tell myself
If you leave me I don't care I'll find somebody else
I don't need you anymore that's what I tell myself
I don't love you anymore that's what I tell myself

Relevant Tags:
TThat's WWhat II TTell MMyself hat's hat ell yself hTat's hWat I eTll yMself fhat's ahat j fell jyself fThat's aWhat jI fTell jMyself
Tfhat's Wahat Ij Tfell Mjyself 5hat's 3hat 9 5ell kyself 5That's 3What 9I 5Tell kMyself T5hat's W3hat I9 T5ell Mkyself hhat's dhat l hell nyself
hThat's dWhat lI hTell nMyself Thhat's Wdhat Il Thell Mnyself yhat's ehat o yell Myyself yThat's eWhat oI yTell Mself Tyhat's Wehat Io Tyell Msyelf
6hat's shat k 6ell Mgself 6That's sWhat kI 6Tell Mgyself T6hat's Wshat Ik T6ell Mygself ghat's 2hat 8 gell Mhself gThat's 2What 8I gTell Mhyself
Tghat's W2hat I8 Tgell Myhself rhat's qhat u rell M6self rThat's qWhat uI rTell M6yself Trhat's Wqhat Iu Trell My6self Whhat Teell Muself
Tat's Wat Tll Muyself Taht's Waht Tlel Myuself Tjat's Wjat Tsll M7self Tjhat's Wjhat Tsell M7yself Thjat's Whjat Tesll My7self
Tuat's Wuat T3ll Mjself Tuhat's Wuhat T3ell Thuat's Whuat Te3ll Myjself Tnat's Wnat Tfll Mtself Tnhat's Wnhat Mtyself
Thnat's Whnat Tefll Mytself Tbat's Wbat Trll Mysself Tbhat's Wbhat Myelf Thbat's Whbat Terll Myeslf Tgat's Wgat T4ll Myzelf
Wghat T4ell Myzself Thgat's Whgat Te4ll Myszelf Tyat's Wyat Tdll Mywelf Wyhat Tdell Mywself Thyat's Whyat Tedll Myswelf
Thaat's Whaat Twll Mydelf Tht's Wht Twell Mydself Thta's Whta Tewll Mysdelf Thzt's Whzt Telll Myeelf Thzat's Whzat Tel Myeself
Thazt's Whazt Tell Myseelf Thqt's Whqt Tekl Myxelf Thqat's Whqat Tekll Myxself Thaqt's Whaqt Telkl Mysxelf Thst's Whst Teol Myaelf

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