Ilse Delange
And I Always Will

I've always liked the wind
I stood tall and let it pass
Because I knew there would be silence after all
I was calm

I've always liked the water
All my life it ran through me
I could trust it, I knew I'd always float
And the tide would bring me home

You know I love you, and I always will
But you're like the strongest wind that never passes
You know I want you, And I always will
You're like the roughest sea, no tide to bring me home
You know I need you and I always will
Am I just too weak?
Or are you just too strong for me?

I've always liked the taste of danger
I've always let it challenge me
But inside there was a thin white line
I stayed safe within its borders
I was fine

You know I love you, and I always will
Darker then my fears,
No safety net to catch us
You know I want you, And I always will
You go beyond, to where there is nothing
left of me
You know I need you and I always will
Am I just too weak?
Or are you just too strong for me?
Who's too strong for who
Who's too weak for who

You know I love you, and I always will
But you're like the strongest wind that never passes
You know I want you, And I always will
You're like the roughest sea, no tide to bring me home
You know I need you and I always will
There's no good in this, all this holding on
You know I want you, And I always will
All this trying on my own, I am always on my own
You know I need you and I always will
Am I just too weak?
Or are you just too strong for me?
Who's too strong for who

Mirror lyrics:

Who's too strong for who
Or are you just too strong for me?
Am I just too weak?
You know I need you and I always will
All this trying on my own, I am always on my own
You know I want you, And I always will
There's no good in this, all this holding on
You know I need you and I always will
You're like the roughest sea, no tide to bring me home
You know I want you, And I always will
But you're like the strongest wind that never passes
You know I love you, and I always will

Who's too weak for who
Who's too strong for who
Or are you just too strong for me?
Am I just too weak?
You know I need you and I always will
left of me
You go beyond, to where there is nothing
You know I want you, And I always will
No safety net to catch us
Darker then my fears,
You know I love you, and I always will

I was fine
I stayed safe within its borders
But inside there was a thin white line
I've always let it challenge me
I've always liked the taste of danger

Or are you just too strong for me?
Am I just too weak?
You know I need you and I always will
You're like the roughest sea, no tide to bring me home
You know I want you, And I always will
But you're like the strongest wind that never passes
You know I love you, and I always will

And the tide would bring me home
I could trust it, I knew I'd always float
All my life it ran through me
I've always liked the water

I was calm
Because I knew there would be silence after all
I stood tall and let it pass
I've always liked the wind

Relevant Tags:
AAnd II AAlways WWill nd lways ill nAd I lAways iWll znd j zlways aill zAnd jI zAlways aWill Aznd Ij Azlways Waill
qnd 9 qlways 3ill qAnd 9I qAlways 3Will Aqnd I9 Aqlways W3ill snd l slways dill sAnd lI sAlways dWill Asnd Il Aslways Wdill
wnd o wlways eill wAnd oI wAlways eWill Awnd Io Awlways Weill xnd k xlways sill xAnd kI xAlways sWill Axnd Ik Axlways Wsill
Annd 8 Allways 2ill Ad 8I Aways 2Will Adn I8 Awlays W2ill Amd u Akways qill Amnd uI Aklways qWill Anmd Iu Alkways Wqill
Ahd Aoways Wiill Ahnd Aolways Wll Anhd Aloways Wlil Ajd Apways Wjll Ajnd Aplways Wjill Anjd Alpways Wijll
Abd Alwways W9ll Abnd Alays W9ill Anbd Alawys Wi9ll Andd Alaays Wlll An Alaways Wlill And Alwaays Willl
Anx Al3ays Woll Anxd Al3ways Woill Andx Alw3ays Wioll Ane Aldays Wkll Aned Aldways Wkill Ande Alwdays Wikll
Anf Aleays W8ll Anfd Aleways W8ill Andf Alweays Wi8ll Anr Alsays Wull Anrd Alsways Wuill Andr Alwsays Wiull
Anc Al2ays Ancd Al2ways Wil Andc Alw2ays Will Ans Alqays Wikl Ansd Alqways Ands Alwqays Wilkl
Wiol Alwys Alwyas Wilol

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