Iii Opus
Release The Joy

Release the joy

Release the joy

Release the joy

Release the joy

Release the joy
Release the child inside your mind
Release the joy
And count the stairs we climb

Release the joy
Release the child inside your mind
Release the joy
And count the stairs we climb

Release the joy

Release the joy
Release the child inside your mind
Release the joy
And count the stairs we climb

Release the joy

Release the joy

Release the joy

Release the joy

Release the joy

Mirror lyrics:

Release the joy

Release the joy

Release the joy

Release the joy

Release the joy

And count the stairs we climb
Release the joy
Release the child inside your mind
Release the joy

Release the joy

And count the stairs we climb
Release the joy
Release the child inside your mind
Release the joy

And count the stairs we climb
Release the joy
Release the child inside your mind
Release the joy

Release the joy

Release the joy

Release the joy

Release the joy

Relevant Tags:
RRelease TThe JJoy elease he oy eRlease hTe oJy delease fhe koy dRelease fThe kJoy Rdelease Tfhe Jkoy 4elease 5he ioy
4Release 5The iJoy R4elease T5he Jioy gelease hhe moy gRelease hThe mJoy Rgelease Thhe Jmoy telease yhe noy tRelease yThe nJoy
Rtelease Tyhe Jnoy 5elease 6he hoy 5Release 6The hJoy R5elease T6he Jhoy felease ghe uoy fRelease gThe uJoy Rfelease Tghe Juoy
eelease rhe Jooy eRelease rThe Jy Reelease Trhe Jyo Jky Rlease Te Rleease Teh Joky Rslease Tje J9y
Rselease Tjhe J9oy Reslease Thje Jo9y R3lease Tue J0y R3elease Tuhe J0oy Re3lease Thue Jo0y Rflease Tne Jly Tnhe Jloy
Reflease Thne Joly Rrlease Tbe Jiy Rrelease Tbhe Rerlease Thbe Joiy R4lease Tge Joyy Jo Re4lease Thge Joy
Rdlease Tye Jog Jogy Redlease Thye Joyg Rwlease Thee Joh Rwelease Th Johy Rewlease The Joyh Rellease Ths Jo6
Reease Thse Jo6y Reelase Thes Joy6 Rekease Th3 Jou Reklease Th3e Jouy Relkease The3 Joyu Reoease Thf Jo7 Reolease Thfe Jo7y
Reloease Thef Joy7 Repease Thr Joj Replease Thre Jojy Relpease Ther Joyj Releease Th4 Jot Relase Th4e Joty Relaese The4 Joyt
Relsase Thd Relsease Thde Relesase Thed

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