Angels On Speed Dial

I like the way that my shirt smells when it's been
in your embrace. And I dig the way that my hand feels
when yours keeps it company.
Under these overcast skies,
looking pretty as a picture that I'll tape inside my
notebook, I just wish I had answers.

Answers to this pandemic we suffer known as distance,
and I'm throwing coins in the river in a fit of formal
wishing. Am I just wasting my money missing something
so lovely? No. Damn, say it twice,
I'll hold you hand when our eyes meet again.

Because I love, I love your smile and I like,
I like your style, and it's unfortunate dear that I
can only stay a short while

Mirror lyrics:

can only stay a short while
I like your style, and it's unfortunate dear that I
Because I love, I love your smile and I like,

I'll hold you hand when our eyes meet again.
so lovely? No. Damn, say it twice,
wishing. Am I just wasting my money missing something
and I'm throwing coins in the river in a fit of formal
Answers to this pandemic we suffer known as distance,

notebook, I just wish I had answers.
looking pretty as a picture that I'll tape inside my
Under these overcast skies,
when yours keeps it company.
in your embrace. And I dig the way that my hand feels
I like the way that my shirt smells when it's been

Relevant Tags:
AAngels OOn SSpeed DDial ngels n peed ial nAgels nO pSeed iDal zngels kn zpeed xial zAngels kOn zSpeed xDial Azngels Okn Szpeed Dxial
qngels 9n wpeed eial qAngels 9On wSpeed eDial Aqngels O9n Swpeed Deial sngels 0n dpeed fial sAngels 0On dSpeed fDial Asngels O0n Sdpeed Dfial
wngels ln epeed rial wAngels lOn eSpeed rDial Awngels Oln Sepeed Drial xngels in xpeed cial xAngels iOn xSpeed cDial Axngels Oin Sxpeed Dcial
Anngels Onn apeed sial Agels O aSpeed sDial Agnels On Sapeed Dsial Amgels Om Sppeed Diial Amngels Omn Seed Dal Anmgels Onm Seped Dail
Ahgels Oh S0eed Djal Ahngels Ohn S0peed Djial Anhgels Onh Sp0eed Dijal Ajgels Oj Sleed D9al Ajngels Ojn Slpeed D9ial Anjgels Onj Spleed Di9al
Abgels Ob Soeed Dlal Abngels Obn Sopeed Dlial Anbgels Onb Spoeed Dilal Anggels Speeed Doal Anels Sped Doial Anegls Speed Dioal
Anhels Spsed Dkal Spseed Dkial Anghels Spesed Dikal Anyels Sp3ed D8al Anygels Sp3eed D8ial Angyels Spe3ed Di8al
Anbels Spfed Dual Spfeed Duial Angbels Spefed Diual Anvels Spred Diaal Anvgels Spreed Dil Angvels Spered Dila
Anfels Sp4ed Dizl Anfgels Sp4eed Dizal Angfels Spe4ed Diazl Antels Spded Diql Antgels Spdeed Diqal Angtels Speded Diaql

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