Live In A Hiding Place

There are times that I should try, to be so much more alive
But if time was right then I would be with you again
Or do you worry that I try to avoid the point and then deny
The time I spent deciding it was you again

It's when I live in a hiding place
It's the only way I feel safe
When I'm safe in a hiding place
(that's not hidden now)
I'm safe in a hiding place
It's the only way I feel safe
When I'm safe in a hiding place

And you're full of facts but not things that could add up to words
Think about meaning more as an after word
As in afterward

I return but don't remain, I'm impatient for a reason
To complain about winter, making me see through again
Or is it your damaged reply, that makes me realise that
The more I try the less that plans will help me comprehend again

That's why I live in a hiding place
It's the only way I feel safe
When I'm safe in a hiding place
(that's not hidden now)
I'm safe in a hiding place
It's the only way I feel safe
When I live in a hiding place

And you're full of facts but not things that could add up to words
You think about meaning more as an after word
And you're full of facts but not things that could add up to words
You think about meaning more as an after word
As in afterward

Mirror lyrics:

As in afterward
You think about meaning more as an after word
And you're full of facts but not things that could add up to words
You think about meaning more as an after word
And you're full of facts but not things that could add up to words

When I live in a hiding place
It's the only way I feel safe
I'm safe in a hiding place
(that's not hidden now)
When I'm safe in a hiding place
It's the only way I feel safe
That's why I live in a hiding place

The more I try the less that plans will help me comprehend again
Or is it your damaged reply, that makes me realise that
To complain about winter, making me see through again
I return but don't remain, I'm impatient for a reason

As in afterward
Think about meaning more as an after word
And you're full of facts but not things that could add up to words

When I'm safe in a hiding place
It's the only way I feel safe
I'm safe in a hiding place
(that's not hidden now)
When I'm safe in a hiding place
It's the only way I feel safe
It's when I live in a hiding place

The time I spent deciding it was you again
Or do you worry that I try to avoid the point and then deny
But if time was right then I would be with you again
There are times that I should try, to be so much more alive

Relevant Tags:
LLive IIn AA HHiding PPlace ive n iding lace iLve nI A iHding lPace kive jn z jiding 0lace kLive jIn zA jHiding 0Place Lkive Ijn Az Hjiding P0lace
oive 9n q uiding llace oLive 9In qA uHiding lPlace Loive I9n Aq Huiding Pllace pive ln s niding olace pLive lIn sA nHiding oPlace Lpive Iln As Hniding Polace
Liive on w biding Lve oIn wA bHiding Pace Lvie Ion Aw Hbiding Palce Ljve kn x giding Pkace Ljive kIn xA gHiding Pklace Lijve Ikn Ax Hgiding Plkace
L9ve 8n yiding Poace L9ive 8In yHiding Li9ve I8n Hyiding Ploace Llve un Hiiding Ppace Llive uIn Hding Pplace Lilve Iun Hdiing Plpace
Love Inn Hjding Plaace I Plce Liove In Hijding Plcae Lkve Im H9ding Plzce Imn H9iding Plzace Likve Inm Hi9ding Plazce
L8ve Ih Hlding Plqce L8ive Ihn Hliding Plqace Li8ve Inh Hilding Plaqce Luve Ij Hoding Plsce Luive Hoiding Plsace Liuve Inj Hioding Plasce
Livve Ib Hkding Plwce Lie Ibn Hkiding Plwace Liev Inb Hikding Plawce Libe H8ding Plxce Libve H8iding Plxace Livbe Hi8ding Plaxce
Lice Huding Placce Licve Plae Livce Hiuding Plaec Lige Hidding Plafe Ligve Hiing Plafce Livge Hiidng Placfe
Life Hixing Plaxe Lifve Hixding Livfe Hidxing Placxe Livee Hieing Plave Liv Hieding Plavce Live Hideing Placve
Livs Hifing Plade Livse Hifding Pladce Lives Hidfing Placde Liv3 Hiring Placee Liv3e Hirding Plac Live3 Hidring Place
Livf Hicing Placs

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