And You Wear Too Much Make Up

As empty words poured from her lips
As the vanity suffocates
May I never breathe your name
May I never suffer your presence
May you never need to feel the same
And I'd like to, I'd like to
Wish it away
Burn it to ash
Erasing shadows that you've cast

Mirror lyrics:

Erasing shadows that you've cast
Burn it to ash
Wish it away
And I'd like to, I'd like to
May you never need to feel the same
May I never suffer your presence
May I never breathe your name
As the vanity suffocates
As empty words poured from her lips

Relevant Tags:
AAnd YYou WWear TToo MMuch MMake UUp nd ou ear oo uch ake p nAd oYu eWar oTo uMch aMke pU znd gou aear foo juch jake hp zAnd gYou aWear fToo jMuch jMake hUp
Aznd Ygou Waear Tfoo Mjuch Mjake Uhp qnd hou 3ear 5oo kuch kake 7p qAnd hYou 3Wear 5Too kMuch kMake 7Up Aqnd Yhou W3ear T5oo Mkuch Mkake U7p snd 6ou dear hoo nuch nake kp
sAnd 6You dWear hToo nMuch nMake kUp Asnd Y6ou Wdear Thoo Mnuch Mnake Ukp wnd uou eear yoo Muuch Maake ip wAnd uYou eWear yToo Mch Mke iUp Awnd Yuou Weear Tyoo Mcuh Mkae Uip
xnd 7ou sear 6oo Mhch Mzke 8p xAnd 7You sWear 6Too Mhuch Mzake 8Up Axnd Y7ou Wsear T6oo Muhch Mazke U8p Annd jou 2ear goo M7ch Mqke jp Ad jYou 2Wear gToo M7uch Mqake jUp
Adn Yjou W2ear Tgoo Mu7ch Maqke Ujp Amd tou qear roo Mkch Mske yp Amnd tYou qWear rToo Msake yUp Anmd Ytou Wqear Troo Mukch Maske Uyp Ahd Yoou Tooo Mich Mwke Upp
Ahnd Yu War To Miuch Mwake U Anhd Yuo Waer Too Muich Mawke Up Ajd Yku Wsar Tko M8ch Mxke U0 Ajnd Ykou Tkoo M8uch Mxake U0p Anjd Yoku Wesar Toko Mu8ch Maxke Up0
Abd Y9u W3ar T9o Mjch Makke Ul Abnd Y9ou T9oo Mae Ulp Anbd Yo9u We3ar To9o Mujch Maek Upl Andd Y0u Wfar T0o Mych Male Uo An Y0ou Wfear T0oo Myuch Malke Uop
And Yo0u Wefar To0o Muych Makle Upo Anx Ylu Wrar Tlo Mucch Maoe Anxd Ylou Wrear Tloo Muh Maoke Andx Yolu Werar Tolo Muhc Makoe Ane Yiu W4ar Tio Mufh Mame
Aned Yiou W4ear Tioo Mufch Mamke Ande Yoiu We4ar Toio Mucfh Makme

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