Listen The Quiet

see the sun there showing up
see the flower growing up
the one that's in your smile
let it grow there for a while

every spoken word's a lie
next chapter's written by the big guy
while all the poetry died
in our rooms where also died the quiet

the armour of the scarabeus
is what I'm hoping for
so I'm twisting around in my visions
to find the tree of life

it's my task to keep my skin
for the music and the pain to thin
for the fear and for my heat
for the women and my lead

Mirror lyrics:

for the women and my lead
for the fear and for my heat
for the music and the pain to thin
it's my task to keep my skin

to find the tree of life
so I'm twisting around in my visions
is what I'm hoping for
the armour of the scarabeus

in our rooms where also died the quiet
while all the poetry died
next chapter's written by the big guy
every spoken word's a lie

let it grow there for a while
the one that's in your smile
see the flower growing up
see the sun there showing up

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LListen TThe QQuiet isten he uiet iLsten hTe uQiet kisten fhe auiet kListen fThe aQuiet Lkisten Tfhe Qauiet oisten 5he 2uiet
oListen 5The 2Quiet Loisten T5he Q2uiet pisten hhe wuiet pListen hThe wQuiet Lpisten Thhe Qwuiet Liisten yhe suiet Lsten yThe sQuiet
Lsiten Tyhe Qsuiet Ljsten 6he 1uiet Ljisten 6The 1Quiet Lijsten T6he Q1uiet L9sten ghe Quuiet L9isten gThe Qiet Li9sten Tghe Qiuet
Llsten rhe Qhiet Llisten rThe Qhuiet Lilsten Trhe Quhiet Losten Q7iet Te Q7uiet Liosten Teh Qu7iet Lksten Tje Qkiet
Tjhe Qkuiet Liksten Thje Qukiet L8sten Tue Qiiet L8isten Tuhe Qiuiet Li8sten Thue Quiiet Lusten Tne Q8iet Luisten Tnhe Q8uiet
Liusten Thne Qu8iet Lissten Tbe Qjiet Liten Tbhe Qjuiet Litsen Thbe Qujiet Lizten Tge Qyiet Lizsten Qyuiet Liszten Thge Quyiet
Liwten Tye Liwsten Quet Liswten Thye Queit Lidten Thee Qujet Lidsten Th Lisdten The Quijet Lieten Ths Qu9et
Liesten Thse Qu9iet Liseten Thes Qui9et Lixten Th3 Qulet Lixsten Th3e Quliet Lisxten The3 Quilet Liaten Thf Quoet Liasten Thfe Quoiet
Lisaten Thef Quioet Listten Thr Quket

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