Icon Of Coil
Other Half Of Me

Let me feel the strength that you felt
Still hunting in your eyes
Let me taste the life that you have tasted
Let me feel the power of your supplies
Let me reach my goal
Give me the shimmering in your eyes

I'm here to claim my soul
And the shimmering in your eyes
The other half of me
And all the pieces are left behind
I'm here to claim my soul
And the shimmering in your eyes
The other half of me
And all the pieces are left behind
That are left behind

You are my drugs
You are my demens
Am I still alive?
I always knew some thing were missing

Let me feel the pain that you felt
I'm still counting the days
Still drifting, searching for myself
For myself...

I'm here to claim my soul
And the shimmering in your eyes
The other half of me
And all the pieces are left behind
I'm here to claim my soul
And the shimmering in your eyes
The other half of me
And all the pieces are left behind
That are left behind

I'm here to claim my soul
And the shimmering in your eyes
The other half of me
And all the pieces are left behind
I'm here to claim my soul
And the shimmering in your eyes
The other half of me
And all the pieces are left behind
I'm here to claim my soul
And the shimmering in your eyes
The other half of me
And all the pieces are left behind
That are left behind

Mirror lyrics:

That are left behind
And all the pieces are left behind
The other half of me
And the shimmering in your eyes
I'm here to claim my soul
And all the pieces are left behind
The other half of me
And the shimmering in your eyes
I'm here to claim my soul
And all the pieces are left behind
The other half of me
And the shimmering in your eyes
I'm here to claim my soul

That are left behind
And all the pieces are left behind
The other half of me
And the shimmering in your eyes
I'm here to claim my soul
And all the pieces are left behind
The other half of me
And the shimmering in your eyes
I'm here to claim my soul

For myself...
Still drifting, searching for myself
I'm still counting the days
Let me feel the pain that you felt

I always knew some thing were missing
Am I still alive?
You are my demens
You are my drugs

That are left behind
And all the pieces are left behind
The other half of me
And the shimmering in your eyes
I'm here to claim my soul
And all the pieces are left behind
The other half of me
And the shimmering in your eyes
I'm here to claim my soul

Give me the shimmering in your eyes
Let me reach my goal
Let me feel the power of your supplies
Let me taste the life that you have tasted
Still hunting in your eyes
Let me feel the strength that you felt

Relevant Tags:
OOther HHalf OOf MMe ther alf f e tOher aHlf fO eM kther jalf kf je kOther jHalf kOf jMe Okther Hjalf Okf Mje 9ther ualf 9f ke
9Other uHalf 9Of kMe O9ther Hualf O9f Mke 0ther nalf 0f ne 0Other nHalf 0Of nMe O0ther Hnalf O0f Mne lther balf lf Mee lOther bHalf lOf M
Olther Hbalf Olf Me ither galf if Ms iOther gHalf iOf Mse Oither Hgalf Oif Mes Otther yalf Off M3 Oher yHalf O M3e Ohter Hyalf Of Me3
Ofher Haalf Oc Mf Ofther Hlf Ocf Mfe Otfher Hlaf Ofc Mef O5her Hzlf Or Mr O5ther Hzalf Orf Mre Ot5her Hazlf Ofr Mer Ohher Hqlf Og M4
Ohther Hqalf Ogf M4e Othher Haqlf Ofg Me4 Oyher Hslf Ot Md Oyther Hsalf Otf Mde Otyher Haslf Oft Med O6her Hwlf Ov Mw O6ther Hwalf Ovf Mwe
Ot6her Hawlf Ofv Mew Ogher Hxlf Od Ogther Hxalf Odf Otgher Haxlf Ofd Orher Hallf Orther Haf Otrher Hafl
Hakf Oter Haklf Otehr Halkf Otjer Haof Otjher Haolf Othjer Halof Otuer Hapf
Otuher Haplf Othuer Halpf Otner Halff

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