Iced Earth
The Dimension Gauntlet

I face the gauntlet as my final test
Thrusting through the vault of time and space
Intergalactic, interstellar quest
From this day forth, I manipulate!

I am the wicked one
Crowned this day, we celebrate
I walk this Earth two thousand years
The demise of man, we consecrate

Mirror lyrics:

The demise of man, we consecrate
I walk this Earth two thousand years
Crowned this day, we celebrate
I am the wicked one

From this day forth, I manipulate!
Intergalactic, interstellar quest
Thrusting through the vault of time and space
I face the gauntlet as my final test

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDimension GGauntlet he imension auntlet hTe iDmension aGuntlet fhe ximension hauntlet fThe xDimension hGauntlet Tfhe Dximension Ghauntlet
5he eimension yauntlet 5The eDimension yGauntlet T5he Deimension Gyauntlet hhe fimension bauntlet hThe fDimension bGauntlet Thhe Dfimension Gbauntlet
yhe rimension vauntlet yThe rDimension vGauntlet Tyhe Drimension Gvauntlet 6he cimension fauntlet 6The cDimension fGauntlet T6he Dcimension Gfauntlet
ghe simension tauntlet gThe sDimension tGauntlet Tghe Dsimension Gtauntlet rhe Diimension Gaauntlet rThe Dmension Guntlet Trhe Dmiension Guantlet
Djmension Gzuntlet Te Djimension Gzauntlet Teh Dijmension Gazuntlet Tje D9mension Gquntlet Tjhe D9imension Gqauntlet Thje Di9mension Gaquntlet
Tue Dlmension Gsuntlet Tuhe Dlimension Gsauntlet Thue Dilmension Gasuntlet Tne Domension Gwuntlet Tnhe Doimension Gwauntlet Thne Diomension Gawuntlet
Tbe Dkmension Gxuntlet Tbhe Dkimension Gxauntlet Thbe Dikmension Gaxuntlet Tge D8mension Gauuntlet D8imension Gantlet Thge Di8mension Ganutlet
Tye Dumension Gahntlet Duimension Gahuntlet Thye Diumension Gauhntlet Thee Dimmension Ga7ntlet Th Diension Ga7untlet The Diemnsion Gau7ntlet
Ths Dijension Gakntlet Thse Gakuntlet Thes Dimjension Gaukntlet Th3 Dikension Gaintlet Th3e Gaiuntlet The3 Dimkension Gauintlet
Thf Dinension Ga8ntlet Thfe Dinmension Ga8untlet Thef Dimnension Gau8ntlet Thr Dimeension Gajntlet Thre Dimnsion Gajuntlet Ther Dimnesion Gaujntlet
Th4 Dimsnsion Gayntlet Th4e Dimsension Gayuntlet The4 Dimesnsion Gauyntlet Thd Dim3nsion Gaunntlet Thde Dim3ension Gautlet Thed Dime3nsion Gautnlet
Thw Dimfnsion Gaumtlet Thwe Dimfension Gaumntlet Thew Dimefnsion Gaunmtlet Dimrnsion Gauhtlet Dimrension Dimernsion Gaunhtlet
Dim4nsion Gaujtlet Dim4ension Dime4nsion Gaunjtlet Dimdnsion Gaubtlet Dimdension Gaubntlet Dimednsion Gaunbtlet
Dimwnsion Gaunttlet Dimwension Gaunlet Dimewnsion Gaunltet Dimennsion Gaunflet Dimesion Gaunftlet Dimesnion Gauntflet

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