Iced Earth
The Number Of The Beast (iron Maiden Cover)

Artist : Iced Earth
Title : The Number Of The Beast (Iron Maiden cover)
I left alone, my mind was blank.
I needed time to think to get the memories from my mind.

What did I see, can i believe,
That what I saw that night was real
and not just fantasy.

Just what I saw, in my old dreams,
Were they reflections of my warped mind
staring back at me.

'Cause in my dreams, it's always there,
The evil face that twists my mind and brings
me to despair.

The night was black, was no use holding back,
'Cause I just had to see, was someone
watching me.
In the mist, dark figures move and twist,
Was all this for real, or just some kind of hell.
666 the number of the beast.
Hell and fire was spawned to be released.

Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised,
As they start to cry, hands held to the sky.
In the night, the fires burning bright,
The ritual has begun, Satan's work is done.
666 the number of the beast.
Sacrifice is going on tonight.

This can't go on, I must inform the law.
Can this still be real or just some crazy dream.
But I feel drawn towards the chanting hordes,
They seem to mesmerize... can't avoid their eyes,
666 the number of the beast.
666 the one for you and me.

I'm coming back, I will return,
And I'll possess your body and I'll make you burn.
I have the fire, I have the force.
I have the power to make my evil take it's course.

Mirror lyrics:

I have the power to make my evil take it's course.
I have the fire, I have the force.
And I'll possess your body and I'll make you burn.
I'm coming back, I will return,

666 the one for you and me.
666 the number of the beast.
They seem to mesmerize... can't avoid their eyes,
But I feel drawn towards the chanting hordes,
Can this still be real or just some crazy dream.
This can't go on, I must inform the law.

Sacrifice is going on tonight.
666 the number of the beast.
The ritual has begun, Satan's work is done.
In the night, the fires burning bright,
As they start to cry, hands held to the sky.
Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised,

Hell and fire was spawned to be released.
666 the number of the beast.
Was all this for real, or just some kind of hell.
In the mist, dark figures move and twist,
watching me.
'Cause I just had to see, was someone
The night was black, was no use holding back,

me to despair.
The evil face that twists my mind and brings
'Cause in my dreams, it's always there,

staring back at me.
Were they reflections of my warped mind
Just what I saw, in my old dreams,

and not just fantasy.
That what I saw that night was real
What did I see, can i believe,

I needed time to think to get the memories from my mind.
I left alone, my mind was blank.
Title : The Number Of The Beast (Iron Maiden cover)
Artist : Iced Earth

Relevant Tags:
TThe NNumber OOf TThe BBeast ((iron MMaiden CCover) he umber f he east iron aiden over) hTe uNmber fO hTe eBast i(ron aMiden oCver)
fhe mumber kf fhe veast (iiron jaiden fover) fThe mNumber kOf fThe vBeast (ron jMaiden fCover) Tfhe Nmumber Okf Tfhe Bveast (rion Mjaiden Cfover)
5he humber 9f 5he geast (jron kaiden xover) 5The hNumber 9Of 5The gBeast (jiron kMaiden xCover) T5he Nhumber O9f T5he Bgeast (ijron Mkaiden Cxover)
hhe jumber 0f hhe neast (9ron naiden vover) hThe jNumber 0Of hThe nBeast (9iron nMaiden vCover) Thhe Njumber O0f Thhe Bneast (i9ron Mnaiden Cvover)
yhe bumber lf yhe heast (lron Maaiden dover) yThe bNumber lOf yThe hBeast (liron Miden dCover) Tyhe Nbumber Olf Tyhe Bheast (ilron Miaden Cdover)
6he Nuumber if 6he Beeast (oron Mziden Coover) 6The Nmber iOf 6The Bast (oiron Mzaiden Cver) T6he Nmuber Oif T6he Baest (ioron Maziden Cvoer)
ghe Nhmber Off ghe Bsast (kron Mqiden Ckver) gThe O gThe Bseast (kiron Mqaiden Ckover) Tghe Nuhmber Of Tghe Besast (ikron Maqiden Cokver)
rhe N7mber Oc rhe B3ast (8ron Msiden C9ver) rThe N7umber Ocf rThe B3east (8iron Msaiden C9over) Trhe Nu7mber Ofc Trhe Be3ast (i8ron Masiden Co9ver)
Nkmber Or Bfast (uron Mwiden C0ver) Te Nkumber Orf Te Bfeast (uiron Mwaiden C0over) Teh Nukmber Ofr Teh Befast (iuron Mawiden Co0ver)
Tje Nimber Og Tje Brast (irron Mxiden Clver) Tjhe Niumber Ogf Tjhe Breast (ion Mxaiden Clover) Thje Nuimber Ofg Thje Berast (iorn Maxiden Colver)
Tue N8mber Ot Tue B4ast (idon Maiiden Civer) Tuhe N8umber Otf Tuhe B4east (idron Maden Ciover) Thue Nu8mber Oft Thue Be4ast (irdon Madien Coiver)
Tne Njmber Ov Tne Bdast (i4on Majden Covver) Tnhe Ovf Tnhe Bdeast (i4ron Majiden Coer) Thne Nujmber Ofv Thne Bedast (ir4on Maijden Coevr)
Tbe Nymber Od Tbe Bwast (igon Ma9den Cober) Tbhe Nyumber Odf Tbhe Bweast (igron Ma9iden Cobver) Thbe Nuymber Ofd Thbe Bewast (irgon Mai9den Covber)
Tge Nummber Tge Beaast (iton Malden Cocer) Nuber Best (itron Maliden Cocver) Thge Nubmer Thge Besat (irton Mailden Covcer)
Tye Nujber Tye Bezst (i5on Maoden Coger) Bezast (i5ron Maoiden Cogver) Thye Numjber Thye Beazst (ir5on Maioden Covger)
Thee Nukber Thee Beqst (ifon Makden Cofer) Th Th Beqast (ifron Makiden Cofver) The Numkber The Beaqst (irfon Maikden Covfer)
Ths Nunber Ths Besst (ieon Ma8den Coveer) Thse Nunmber Thse (ieron Ma8iden Covr) Thes Numnber Thes Beasst (ireon Mai8den Covre)
Th3 Numbber Th3 Bewst (iroon Mauden Covsr) Th3e Numer Th3e (irn Mauiden Covser) The3 Numebr The3 Beawst (irno Maiuden Covesr)
Thf Numver Thf Bexst (irkn Maidden Cov3r)

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